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Media and Communication

Media and Communication


Director: Johanna Hamilton

On March 8, 1971, a group of citizens broke into an FBI office in Media, PA, took every file, and shared them with the public. Their actions exposed the FBI's illegal surveillance program of law-abiding Americans. Now, these previously anonymous Americans publicly share their story for the first time.

The FBI, established in 1908, was for 60 years held unaccountable and untouchable until 1971, when The Citizens' Commission to Investigate the FBI, as they called themselves, sent the stolen files to journalists at the Washington Post, which published them and shed light on the FBI's widespread abuse of power. These actions exposed COINTELPRO, the FBI's illegal surveillance program that involved the intimidation of law-abiding Americans, and helped lead to the country's first congressional investigation of U.S. intelligence agencies.

The activist-burglars then disappeared into anonymity for forty years. Until now. Never caught, these previously anonymous Americans parents, teachers and citizens publicly reveal themselves for the first time and share their story in the documentary 1971. Using a mix of dramatic re-enactments and candid interviews with all involved, the film vividly brings to life one of the more important, yet relatively unexplored, chapters in modern American history.

DVD / 2015 / 79 minutes

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From texting to email to video calls, digital technology has transformed how we communicate with each other. But in formal situations like at work or in school, which forms of communications are appropriate, and when? Viewers of this video, especially digital natives, may be surprised to discover that communicating isn't just about sharing information-it's creating it-and that the ways in which emails, texts or voice messages are composed and conveyed may make the difference in impressing or disappointing an employer or co-worker. Even for late adopters of digital technology, this video has important points on what you should do-and what you don't want to do-when it comes to email, texting, video-conferencing and using the phone for business calls or voice mail.

DVD (Closed Captioned) / 2015 / 29 minutes

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By Joanna Rudnick

From Emmy-nominated IN THE FAMILY filmmaker Joanna Rudnick and Chicago's Kartemquin Films comes a story about challenging norms and redefining beauty. ON BEAUTY follows fashion photographer Rick Guidotti, who left the fashion world when he grew frustrated with having to work within the restrictive parameters of the industry's standard of beauty. After a chance encounter with a young woman who had the genetic condition albinism, Rick re-focused his lens on those too often relegated to the shadows to change the way we see and experience beauty.

At the center of ON BEAUTY are two of Rick's photo subjects: Sarah and Jayne. In eighth grade Sarah left public school because she was bullied so harshly for the birthmark on her face and brain. Jayne lives with albinism in Eastern Africa where society is blind to her unique health and safety needs and where witch doctors hunt people with her condition to sell their body parts. We follow Rick as he uses his lens to challenge convention and media's narrow scope of with the help of two extraordinary women.

"ON BEAUTY is, quite simply, a masterful example of how cinema can serve as a humanizing force in the world. We need films like this." - RogerEbert.com
"ON BEAUTY is a film filled with beautiful moments¡Kit has a serious message, but it's presented in the most uplifting way possible." - Parents Magazine
"ON BEAUTY questions our cookie-cutter standards¡Ktransforms our perceptions." - LA Times

DVD (Color) / 2015 / 31 minutes

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Directed by Dominic White

Since childhood, we've been promised that the 21st century would bring us dramatic new technologies, like flying cars and robots in every home. Instead, it brought us the smartphone, social media, and virtual societies. These technologies have revolutionized our lives almost as dramatically as the moon colonies we were promised.

Now, over a decade into the digital revolution, DSKNECTD explores how digital communication technologies are profoundly changing the way we interact and experience each other, and challenges us to question whether these changes are for the better.

DVD / 2014 / 98 minutes

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In the new world of tweets, blogs, and citizen journalism, what is the outlook for true investigative reporting? This program highlights the ways investigative journalism is changing, particularly in the context of digital and online media. Social media and globalization have changed the ways reporters connect with their readers. What are the advantages and disadvantages of nearly instantaneous access to news as it unfolds? A panel of heavy hitters from the world of journalism weighs in on these and other issues, such as emerging financial models for (costly) investigative reporting as traditional news budgets shrink. Young reporters entering the field will be particularly encouraged by many of the exciting technologies and resources available for developing stories that are more in-depth, media-rich, and engaging. Investigative journalism is a fast-evolving field, and this program helps entry-level reporters as well as veterans to bear witness more effectively in the Internet era.

DVD / 2014 / 17 minutes

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Social media tools are being used across all media sources including traditional news outlets and online-based resources. This program focuses on the variety of ways social media is essential to storytelling and news distribution. Each chapter highlights an element of social media used by top journalists who rely on these communication channels to both research stories and broaden their audience. Its designed to help students and educators understand the growing role of social media in the gathering and dissemination of news and the many ways to make the most of this technology.

Social media has changed how we gather and report news in general. Its a crucial tool in reporting today since we receive many tips and reach many sources to confirm information even before the story ever makes mainstream media. This is more often the case especially when breaking news happens. Its important for students to use social media to gain and disseminate information and to research each topic thoroughly, read as much as they can and be familiar with every side of the issue.

We will teach students how to humanize the issues so they are not just talking about statistics or numbers. How to use Storify, Tumblr, Buzzfeed, Opensecrets.org and different websites like Mashables - that have interesting information and ways for students to get out and tell stories using audio, video and pictures. How to ensure the information they obtain is vetted and accurate and ensure the story is valuable or newsworthy. How to get as many aspects of a story as they can and how to make it different from similar stories out there to help inform their audience.

We will show students how to use their journalism skills and apply them to this new medium and above and beyond, how to capture the absolute essence in a paragraph - confirm it, attribute it and source it.

Subjects covered include: Using Social Media in Politics, Putting the Public back in Public Affairs, Social Media as a Database, The Day in the Life of an Online Reporter and Behind the Scenes of Storify. Includes a list of links and websites to help students investigate stories and find out more about newsgathering and dissemination practices.

DVD / 2014 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 31 minutes

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By Eric Matthies and Tricia Todd

In December 2006, the UN Security Council unanimously passed landmark Resolution 1738 which demanded greater safety for journalists in conflict areas and called for an end to impunity for their killers. Yet, since then, over 600 news media workers have been killed, making murder the leading cause of work-related death for journalists worldwide. Even more have been imprisoned or have simply disappeared while on the job, and countless others have been intimidated into self-censorship or have gone into exile.

In this intense documentary, journalists reporting from Mexico, Russia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria tell their riveting personal stories of working in some of the world's most dangerous places, in what is becoming one of the most dangerous professions.

As censorship grows around the globe, it's more important than ever that journalists have the freedom to report honestly and accurately on world events. Killing the Messenger: the Deadly Cost of News is a first-hand account of these fearless journalists and their refusal to be deterred from their dedicated mission.

DVD / 2013 / 57 minutes

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By Jesse Shapins and Olga Touloumi

Using the Boston region as a laboratory for exploring different modes of urban representation across both history and media, A Media Archaeology of Boston exhibits a carefully-selected excavation of the city's spaces through a montage of short films, photographs, postcards, and soundscapes of the larger metropolitan area. Far from a comprehensive survey, A Media Archaeology of Boston aims to provoke new experiences of the city and, simultaneously, to challenge everyday perceptions of it.

Unlike Los Angeles or New York, whose image has been meticulously produced and systematically canonized through mass and independent media, Boston is a place where media practice has taken place on the margins of central venues of production and distribution. From industrial films by the Ford Motor Company to discharged advertising reels of local businesses to state-sponsored documentaries by experimental filmmakers investigating the harbor's environmental health, Media Archaeology of Boston provides insight into a city that expands beyond its celebrated historical landscape to encompass a multiplicity of perspectives toward diverse parts of the metropolitan area.

Integrating content, form, time, place, and medium in our curatorial process, we aim to construct a more complex, subjective matrix of multiple perspectives on Boston, without any claims of objectivity or comprehensiveness. The DVD opens up this collection of documentations to the audience and invites participation in the construction of new stories, of new narratives. A Media Archaeology of Boston, above all, remains an open and incomplete collection that presents a map of possibilities.

DVD (Black and White, Color) / 2013 / 120 minutes

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Directed by Jean-Philippe Tremblay

Uses shocking examples of cover-ups and censorship by the US media to show how a few mega corporations exercise control over the content of our news.

SHADOWS OF LIBERTY examines how the US media are controlled by a handful of corporations exercising extraordinary political, social, and economic power. Having always allowed broadcasting to be controlled by commercial interests, the loosening of media ownership regulations, that began under Reagan and continued under Clinton, has led to the current situation where five mega corporations control the vast majority of the media in the United States. These companies not only don't prioritize investigative journalism, but can and do clamp down on it when their interests are threatened.

The film begins with three journalists whose careers were destroyed because of the stories they broke: Roberta Baskin, whose scoop about Nike sweatshops didn't sit well with CBS when Nike became a co-sponsor of the Olympics; Kristina Borjesson, another CBS reporter, whose job lasted precisely one week after the network spiked her investigation into the TWA Flight 800 disaster in 1996; and Gary Webb, whose story linking US support for Nicaraguan Contras and the epidemic in crack cocaine was trashed by The New York Times and the Washington Post. (His story was true, but Webb lost his job and eventually killed himself.)

With the help of interviewees including Daniel Ellsburg, Dan Rather, Julian Assange, Chris Hedges, Dick Gregory, Robert McChesney, John Nichols and Amy Goodman, the film explores in depth the monopolies and vested interests that filter the dissemination of information thus damaging the democratic process. One notorious example, featured in the film, of the anti-democratic nexus between the military-industrial complex and the news media was the latter's unquestioning acceptance of the former's trumped up justification for the Iraq War.

With profits taking priority over the truth and the powerful being taken at their word rather than taken to task, the film asks whether the Internet can withstand corporate pressure and remain free, or will it too fall into the hands of monopolistic corporations.

Ultimately has our commercial world caused us to lose one of the most precious commodities of all--unbiased information?

DVD / 2012 / (Grades 10-12, College, Adult) / 93 minutes

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Directed by Mai Iskander

From the director of multi-award-winning documentary Garbage Dreams , Words of Witness follows a 22-year-old female reporter for the independent newspaper Egypt Independent , as she covers Egypt's transition to democracy, from the heyday of Tahir Square to Egypt's first free and fair presidential election. Defying cultural and gender norms as well as family expectations, Heba takes to the streets to report, using Facebook posts, tweets, and text messages, on an Egypt in turmoil.

For thirty years, Egypt was ruled by the oppressive regime of President Hosnu Mubarak. When Mubarak resigned and transferred the power to the Army to lead the country in the transition to democracy, the Tahir Square demonstrators celebrate chanting "The Army and the people will complete the journey". However, as Heba and the nation quickly realize, the struggle for a new order has just begun.

Despite repetitive arguments with her mother who is fearing for her daughter's life and cautious of respecting women's traditional roles, Heba covers a series of historical events. She interviews parents of missing demonstrators; takes an active part in a thrilling demonstration at the State Security headquarters resulting in the discovery of thousand of classified files on public figures and ordinary citizens kept by the police; gets caught in a tense religious event protesting against the State police who are preventing the rebuilding of a church; witnesses the army, once hailed as the people's liberators, using violence and later torture and taking down demonstrators camps in Tahir Square; and, finally, documents the election process.

Words of Witness offers a fascinating account of Egypt post-revolution as the nation faces the challenges that lay ahead; as well as a moving portrait of an incredible, fearless young woman, who is now a contributor to The New York Times. Heba's story is an illustration of the critical role social media played in the Arab Spring, as nations are in the process of reinventing themselves and finding their voices.

"A crucial story of modern revolution... The ambitious, articulate Afify bucks native female tradition... as she confidently immerses herself into a series of precarious, post-Mubarak actions and protests" - The Los Angeles Times
"Raw and fascinating." - Wall Street Journal
"As a young truth-seeker, an idealist, and female, Heba is very much a heroine for the 21st century." - Slant

DVD / 2012 / 70 minutes

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Directed by Michael Singh

Shows the way in which the changing image of Arabs and Muslims in the U.S. media has mirrored America's political agenda in the Middle East.

Valentino's Ghost takes viewers on a chronological journey through more than a century of images of Muslims, Arabs and Islam in the U.S. media, from the early 20th-century fantasies of romantic sheiks to today's damaging stereotypes as evil fanatics. Through interviews with Robert Fisk, Niall Ferguson, and John Mearsheimer amongst others, the film shows the way in which the changing image of Arabs and Muslims has mirrored America's political agenda in the Middle East.

Valentino's Ghost aims to sharpen viewers' media literacy and increase their skills in questioning media representations, especially those of minority groups and people with whom our government is in conflict. The film ends with a report of a few Hollywood films that have provided complex images and avoided ethnic stereotyping.

DVD / 2011 / (Grades 8-12, College, Adult) / 93 minutes

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Directed by Georgia Sugimura Archer

A David & Goliath tale of one man's fight against restrictions by Internet service providers and governments on consumers' access to the internet.

Robb Topolski is an unlikely crusader for free speech -- on the surface; he seems to be a mild-mannered geek with a fondness for a capella music. However, when Topolski tried to upload some rare recordings of barbershop quartets to a peer-to-peer file sharing website in 2007, he found that his broadband Internet connection slowed down to a tiny fraction of its usual speed.

Topolski, who worked as a computer network engineer, ran some tests to find out what was happening and made a surprising discovery -- his internet service provider was monitoring the web use of its customers and using software to slow connections for certain activities and certain websites. Topolski took his ISP to court and has become a passionate spokesman for net neutrality, believing that ISP's have no right to interfere with what their customers are doing and should not be watching their activities on line.

This case is one of the key inspirations behind the documentary BARBERSHOP PUNK, which explores how a small number of powerful corporations have the power to control the World Wide Web, and what ordinary people can do to promote the free exchange of information in cyberspace.

Featuring interviews with Ian MacKaye, Janeane Garofalo, Damian Kulash of OK Go, Henry Rollins, Mike McCurry, John Perry Barlow, Jonathan Adelstein and many more.

DVD / 2010 / (Grades 10-12, College, Adult) / 77 minutes

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By Georg Boch

Theodor Adorno was an influential member of the Frankfurt School of social theory ¡X a German-born intellectual who fled Nazi Germany for America, and whose work anticipates and informs much post-modern theory. In this revolutionary "participatory documentary," digital filmmaker Georg Boch, one of more than 200 people that belong to a Facebook group called "Adorno Changed My Life," sets out to learn how Adorno's work has touched the group's lives.

For the film, Boch solicits videos and Skype conversations. Unlike the traditional documentary, this approach allows each of the participants to frame how they want to be perceived and to direct their own conversations.

For art historian Travis English, who shamelessly multitasks on camera, reading Adorno for the first time was like "swallowing a stick of dynamite." Australian intellectual Ivan Krisjansen (who uses a portrait of Adorno as his Facebook profile photo) compares it to "climbing Mount Everest, standing on the peak and being able to see forever."

Digital culture critic Dennis Redmond ¡X who at times speaks in front of a shelf full of teddy bears ¡X sees parallels between Adorno's work and the digital commons. Redmond encourages viewers to read random pages from Adorno to see how they seamlessly fit into a whole in the same way that fragments of digital culture mesh.

It's also a metaphor for the film itself: far-flung, isolated members of an online group whose individual contributions are transformed into a cultural product. The film also makes no attempt to hide its digital roots. Rather than cleaning up time lags or sharpening focus, it celebrates the imperfections of digital communication.

FACEBOOK'S "ADORNO CHANGED MY LIFE" resists the temptation to offer a potted guide to the philosopher's thought. Instead, it allows its participants to set the terms of the conversation, and to reveal their relationships to Adorno's work. Even if they feel, as does Moldavian emigrant Vitalie Bezdiga, that "Theodore Adorno is of no great help when it comes to jobs or employment."

DVD (Color) / 2010 / 28 minutes

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Directed by John Pilger

John Pilger's powerful and timely investigation into the media's role in war.

John Pilger's new film is a powerful and timely investigation into the media's role in war. The War You Don't See traces the history of `embedded' and independent reporting from the carnage of World War I to the destruction of Hiroshima, and from the invasion of Vietnam to the current war in Afghanistan. As weapons and propaganda are ever more sophisticated, the very nature of war has developed into an `electronic battlefield'. But who is the real enemy today?

DVD / 2010 / (Grades 10-12, College, Adult) / 96 minutes

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By Carol Tizzano

We are barraged by media images that unrealistically glamorize and sexualize women and girls. This lively and engaging film explores the impact these messages have on young women¡¦s physical, psychological and emotional health. Through the voices of a racially and culturally diverse group of women and girls, PicturePerfect examines the interplay of race and ethnicity, body image, dieting and eating disorders, and the early influence of toys and cartoons. It offers tools to begin dissecting and questioning the media that influence our behaviors, attitudes, and values.

The contrasts between how these women see themselves and the highly idealized imagery that dominates TV and print advertising are particularly stark. Yet their comments also reveal the conflicting responses we have to the media and consumer culture ¡X how we participate in and resist it at the same time. Suitable for a wide range of ages and audiences, PicturePerfect is an outstanding discussion starter, and will be an invaluable educational tool for families, as well as for schools, universities, social service agencies, scouting and other youth groups, religious organizations, and others.

One of the best videos I¡¦ve seen on how girls and women are represented and influenced by popular media. It¡¦s like listening in on what these very real but especially insightful girls and women have to say about our current culture and values. - Tamar Sobel, Girls, Women + Media Project
Exactly the sort of video we were looking for. One gets the sense that these young women feel betrayed, misled, and deceived by media role models, and that they want to tell their stories so that others won¡¦t experience the same consequences. - Ranny Levy, Coalition for Children¡¦s Quality Media
The perfect stimulant for thought and conversation. The search for unobtainable perfection that accompanies growing up female in the U.S. is a serious problem. PicturePerfect provides an opportunity to begin addressing that problem. - Terry Burant, Rethinking Schools
Tizzano gives us the tools to dissect and question the media that parade these idealized women¡¦s bodies before us, causing harm to real women (and men) in the process. - Cinematheque at the Cleveland Institute of Art
"A thoughtful documentary that addresses the inner conflicts many women deal with and a fine discussion starter, which offers important encouragement towards greater media literacy. - Recommended. Three stars." Video Librarian

DVD / 2007 / 40 minutes

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By Rita Csapo-Sweet

Most of us don't realize how influenced we are by the attention or lack of attention the media gives to events. Starting in the 1960's a number of independent publications reviewed the mainstream news media, playing a watch-dog role by calling attention to important stories that were overlooked or misrepresented. The St. Louis Journalism Review was the last of these independent publications. Often it was a lone dissenting voice at a time when corporate domination of journalism threatened the citizens' right to know. This fascinating film conveys the little known story of Charles and Rose Klotzer, founders of the SJR. The life of the courageous journalist and media watchdog spans some of the most tumultuous periods in recent history. Born in Berlin, Klotzer survived the Nazis by escaping with his parents to Shanghai where he spent the war years. The film pays tribute to the largely unknown efforts of this remarkable couple and the importance of having an impartial eye ensuring the public's right to know .

DVD / 2007 / 29 minutes

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By Salam Pax

"I live in Baghdad. I am a blogger. A blog is an online diary." So begins this succinct report from Salam Pax, an Iraqi journalist attempting to keep the world informed about his beleaguered country. Pax regularly sends fifteen-minute video reports to the BBC. Filmed in Najaf, Baghdad, Karbala, and the south of Iraq, they are cleverly worded, cantankerous and non-partisan overviews of reality outside the Green Zone.

The blogger made his pseudonymous name with "The Baghdad Blog," an online English-lingo journal of life before, during and since the U.S. invasion. An architect and decidedly Western-skewed fellow, he is troubled by the inability of the Americans to maintain a stable occupation. He witnesses the failure of the interim government under Prime Minister Allawi and the formation of a new army under the cleric Al Sadr. This army has undermined the American plan of an orderly political process leading to elections. Instead, it has created havoc. Pax slowly and sadly closes his laptop at the end of the film.

A "cutting edge" discussion starter for journalism and communications classes, as well as Middle East studies.

DVD / 2006 / 78 minutes

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Focuses on the human cost of the Iraq War to contrast corporate-controlled media coverage with independent media.

Independent Intervention is an award-winning documentary about United States media coverage of the conflict in Iraq. Focusing on the human costs of war, it contrasts corporate-controlled media coverage of the invasion of Iraq with independent media reports of the brutal realities on the ground.

Through discussions with media experts including Amy Goodman, Noam Chomsky, Dahr Jamail, Danny Schechter, David Barsamian, Kalle Lasn, Norman Solomon, and James Zogby, the film investigates important issues and systems that govern today's information flow, and shows how these systems of control reveal themselves during times of political turmoil and war.

Independent Intervention also includes commentary by Howard Zinn, Arundhati Roy, Bill Moyers, Michael Moore, and Jeremy Scahill.

DVD (Color) / 2006 / (Grades 9-12, College, Adult) / 75 minutes

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Many teens are more interested in the news now than they ever were before 9-11, but too many others are turning off the news due to information overload, cynicism and fears. This program explores how news coverage on TV, on the Internet and in print affects the way teens are coping with their changed world. It also helps them understand how to select, compare and interpret what they see and read in the news. In their search for answers, In the Mix teen reporters interview FOX News' Bill O'Reilly; ABC's Peter Jennings; Barry Gross, chief copy editor of the New York Post; CNN's and MTV's young reporter, Serena Altschul; Janine Jackson, the program coordinator of FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting).

~ Winner of the CINE Golden Eagle Award

DVD (With Discussion Guide) / (Grades 6-12, College) / 30 minutes

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By the time the average student graduates from high school he or she will have watched 15,000 hours of television and been hit by approximately 70,000 marketing messages a day. In the Mix reveals the tricks and techniques used by the media to manipulate audiences. Viewers get a behind-the-scenes look at how news stories are chosen and covered along with some personal insights from veteran newsman Peter Jennings. Then we focus a keen eye on the powerful images used in advertising and music videos to learn ways to analyze and evaluate what you see on TV and whether or not to believe it.

" In the Mix takes a look at how television distorts, manipulates, and ultimately 'creates' its own version of truth, while alerting viewers that what passes for 'truth' on TV is often no more than 'image'¡K A good reminder to teens to be vigilant, not passive, receivers of media, this is recommended."¡XVideo Librarian

DVD (With Discussion Guide) / (Grades 6-12, College) / 30 minutes

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This is the clearest, simplest, and best media relations training program you can buy. It is media training for company personnel who aren't professional communicators but who may very well face the media during an emergency. "Eye to Eye: Media Relations in a Crisis" will reduce your risk of media and community conflict and misunderstanding during a crisis. Your managers, supervisors, and operators will learn a safe, low-risk way to deal with the media during emergencies.

"Eye to Eye: Media Relations in a Crisis" includes a special segment on dealing with reporters by telephone. The odds are greater than ever that your sites will receive phone calls from reporters, either as a routine part of business or during emergencies. This program will give your personnel the tools they need to handle reporters' calls quickly, efficiently, and most of all, safely.

Preparation is everything, and this newest media relations program spells out exactly what you need to know and do to be prepared for media contacts. Nationally recognized communication consultant Robert Knowlton lays out a common sense, proactive strategy for scoring points with your community while practically eliminating the risk of common mistakes.

The bottom line: better community relations and vastly lower risk of saying the wrong thing.

DVD / 20 minutes

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This program re-creates an actual field emergency and demonstrates typical mistakes people make in a news interview. The program also shows how to correctly deal with the media during an emergency, how to decline an interview gracefully, how to "buy" more time in a way that is non-confrontational, and much more.

DVD / 18 minutes

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Following the wrong way / right way scenario this program illustrates media techniques for handling the media during a chemical spill. Shows the importance of speaking in non-technical terminology, the importance of your appearance (ie don't chew gum, smoke cigarettes ect) during the interview, and why it is a mistake to be condescending to reporters

DVD / 17 minutes

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