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Teen Guidance

Teen Guidance


Every 7 minutes a child is being bullied on the playground. The noise of bullying echoes across our nation every day. The cries of victims fills the halls and school yards in every town. The goal of the bully is to take advantage of and take control over the victim. Bullying is here because we accept it, normalize it and tolerate it. The good news is that the behavior of a bully is learned and it can be unlearned.

Awards include: Accolade Global Film Competition Awards, Accolade Global Film Humanitarian Award, Bare Bones International Film Festival (won the Best Violence Prevention Film), Impact Doc Awards, Near Nazareth Film Festival.

DVD / 2019 / 30 minutes

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If you see something, say something. Each year, over a million students are threatened or injured with a weapon on school property. Consider adopting a Threat Assessment program. It takes everyone to make a community safe. Let America be known for valuing human life.

Awards include - Accolade Global Film Competition Awards, Best Shorts Awards Competition, Indie Fest Awards, Action on Film Festival, Awareness Film Festival, Hollywood Dreams Film Festival, I Will Tell International Film Festival, Near Nazareth Film Festival, SF International New Concept Film Festival, VOB Film Festival, West Europe International Film Festival.

DVD / 2019 / 9 minutes

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Rehab or treatment for addiction begins with the desire to stop using drugs or alcohol and choose a clean and sober life. For many teens, this may seem like an impossible task especially when their life seems to have lost all meaning. Nearly all addicted teens think they can stop using on their own and most try to stop without treatment. Although many are successful, many continue down the path ofaddiction and on the road of substance dependence. Understanding that addiction has a fundamental biological component may help explain the difficulty in abstinence without treatment. Many teens in addition to having problems with drugs or alcohol also have problems with depression, anxiety, school phobia andpanic attacks. Because they start using drugs at a young age, they don't develop the normal social skills needed to enter adulthood. They have very little disciplinebecause they've never been shown or cultivated those habits. At first teens think using drugs or alcohol helps them fit in and can relieve stress either at home or at school. However, they soon realize it doesn't fix anything and their problems keep coming back and often get worse. This program teaches teens that living a life of addiction is one that can be changed. Personal accomplishments can be achieved and a healthy successful life, without dependence on drugs or alcohol is possible.

Subjects covered include: What is recovery or rehab? Why recovery works. Recognizing addiction. Working a program of recovery. The steps of recovery. The multisystemic approach. Life after treatment.

DVD / 2017 / 30 minutes

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So Who Becomes Addicted? Most people don't understand why or how someone can become addicted to drugs or alcohol or any other substance that completely dominates their life. This series takes an in-depth look at teen addiction. It provides a personal connection with those in recovery, the steps to recovery and an honest look at substance abuse. Teenagers all go through traumatic experiences and symptoms of depression. In many cases they don't have the resources to deal with their problems. Many times they turn to drugs as a solution or as a coping mechanism if they feel they can't deal with a problem on their own. This often leads to a path of addiction.

This program discusses the traits that can be found in an addictive personality, the warning signs and the attraction to try drugs. It takes a look at what can take a seemingly normal teen down the road of addiction and the intense process of treatment and recovery. Some of the most common paths to addiction include; the desire to belong, to be accepted, to be popular, boredom, depression, low self esteem, peer pressure from social expectation and taking prescription medication that turns to dependency.

This program addresses the physical, mentaland behavioral effects of drug abuse and the effective treatment options. Features clinical addiction psychologists, mental health and teen drug abuse experts. Student Discussion Includes What is addiction? Who gets addicted? The addictive personality. Addictive behavior. The 14 most common paths to addiction. Why teens start using drugs. Experiencing the high. The psychological & physical effects drugs have on the body and brain. The warning signs. The consequences. Denial and acceptance. Cure or treatment?

DVD / 2017 / 30 minutes

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Ecstasy, also called Molly, is a stimulant (man-made) club drug often abbreviated as MDMA that has hallucinogenic properties. MDMA works by providing a rush of Serotonin and Norepinephrine, two neurotransmitters that signal feelings of pleasure and happiness. Ecstasy is one of the most popular drugs among teens today. It has become an embracive marketing term for drug dealers selling Ecstasy-type drugs that may, contain very little or no MDMA at all. While MDMA can produce harmful effects, what is called Ecstasy today can contain a wide mixture of substances from LSD, cocaine, heroin, amphetamine and methamphetamine, to rat poison, caffeine and dog deworming substances. Despite the cute logos dealers put on the pills, this is what makes Ecstasy particularly dangerous, a user never really knows what he is taking. Ecstasy most commonly comes in pill form but can also be injected and taken in other ways. Liquid Ecstasy is actually GHB, a nervous system depressant - a substance that can also be found in drain cleaner, floor stripper and degreasing solvents.

DVD / 2016 / 30 minutes

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Heroin is an extremely addictive Opioid drug that's synthesized from Morphine. Heroin can be snorted, smoked, or injected and usually comes in a white or brown powder substance. It's estimated that almost of all people who use Heroin once become addicted. Teen Heroin Abuse is a growing danger in our youth. The image of a listless young heroin addict collapsed in a filthy, dark alley is obsolete. Today, the young addict could be as young as 12 years old, play video games and enjoy the music of his generation. They can appear smart, stylish and bear none of the common traces of heroin use, such as needle marks on their arms. Because it is available in various forms that are easier to consume and more affordable, heroin today is more tempting than ever. The number of teenagers aged 12 to 17, who used heroin at some point in their lives has increased by 300%. A young person who might think twice about putting a needle in his arm may more readily smoke or sniff the same drug. But this is falsely reassuring and may give one the idea that there is less risk. The truth is that heroin in all its forms is dangerous and addictive.

DVD / 2016 / 30 minutes

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Legal highs are man-made substances/chemicals and strong stimulants that have similar effects to illegal drugs like cocaine, cannabis or ecstasy. They are sometimes called club drugs or new psychoactive substances (NPS) and provide physical, emotional and hallucinogenic effects and are marketed as a legal high. They range from plants, to synthetic drugs, to medicines you can buy from a pharmacy. What makes them similar is that they are all legal, but that does not mean they are safe. There is often not enough research about these drugs to know their potency or the adverse effects from human consumption. You cannot really be sure of what is in them or the effect they could have on you. Many legal highs have been directly linked to poisoning, seizures, severe trauma and in some cases death. So what is a teens motivation to try these drugs? This program attempts to find out but asking teens the question, what are legal highs?

DVD / 2016 / 30 minutes

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This comprehensive stranger danger program shows young viewers how to avoid five common traps 'bad strangers' use through a series of dramatic vignettes, and shows them how the strangers they encounter everyday on their way to and from school, in stores, and out in cyberspace can be dangerous regardless of their appearance. Students also learn how to avoid potentially dangerous situations with people they don't know or 'kinda know' through this memorable look at the pet trap, the car trap, the authority trap, the playmate trap, and the technology trap.

DVD / 2016 / (Grades 3-6) / 10 minutes

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An effective program to combat teen dating abuse is an essential part of any high school health and guidance curriculum, and this one is a great tool. This is the story of Jenny- a happy, high performing student who is in her first serious relationship with Jake. As their relationship evolves, Jake monopolizes more and more of her time, isolates her from friends, and interferes with her studies before becoming verbally and physically abusive.

This program brings the causes and consequences of teen dating abuse to life through a series of dramatic vignettes, and viewers learn how any young person can be affected — black or white, boy or a girl, straight or gay. The five red flags examined are constant contact, false accusations, explosive tempers, threats, and blaming.

DVD / 2016 / (Grades 6-12) / 7 minutes

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'The Bully Report' is the story of a third grader named 'Quinn' who is relentlessly teased in the classroom, in the halls, and out on the playground. When his teacher gives the class an assignment to write a paper on kindness, communication, and courage, Quinn gives a speech on bullying and bystanders called 'The Bully Report' that inspires classmates to stand up and speak out about the bullying problem that has them all on edge and in fear.

Several young students share their experiences in dealing with bullies in this program and Clinical Psychologist Dr. Meredith Murphy adds easy to digest insight into the long term effects of bullying and why it's so important for young viewers to talk to a trusted adult if they are being bullied.

Quinn and his classmates in 'The Bully Report' come together to take a stand against bullying and your students will be empowered to do the same after watching this video and working through the activities and discussion questions included in the program.

DVD / 2016 / (Grades 3-6) / 7 minutes

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E-cigarettes have been called the next generation cigarette and vaping the newest way for teens to start smoking. Studies state 1 in 4 high school students have already tried e-cigarettes. Teens who vape are more likely to start smoking than teens who don't and nonsmoking teens who start vaping are 3 times as likely to start smoking cigarettes. So what makes Vaping so dangerous? Most teens assume vaping is harmless, however it is not. E-cigs contain mostly "nicotine", which can wreak havoc with the cardiovascular system and lead to hypertension and heart attacks. Nicotine is an addicting substance and can work as a "gateway" drug to smoking regular cigarettes. In its concentrated, potent, liquid form, nicotine is blended with a variety of flavorings, colorings, assorted chemicals and toxins to create a vapor. It's this nicotine that can cause an addiction and fuel a teens' transition from vaping to smoking. Vaping might be hard to notice since there is no cigarette smoke or smell of it. Many vaping devices are designed to look like pens; compact, shiny and easy to disguise. Vaping can cause as much short-term inflammation in the lungs as regular cigarettes and the nicotine-free vapor may cause even more. Also fueling the trend is the accessibility of oil concentrates. A vape pen creates an inhalable vapor with a small inner coil that slowly heats, creating a vapor that is inhaled. Water-soluble synthetics are easily converted into liquid concentrate that can go into the device cartridges and be vaped just like nicotine and other legal substances. It makes it nearly impossible to tell what's inside someone's vape. It could be nicotine, marijuana concentrate, or fruit-flavored or nicotine-free "e-liquid." Worst of all, it could be a deadly concoction of chemicals, known as synthetic drugs.

The biggest danger may lie in the use of vaping devices. After a teen is used to some nicotine in the form of an e-cigarette, they may ultimately transition to traditional cigarettes to get nicotine more easily and quickly. Vaping devices are also compatible with marijuana, cocaine, THC liquids and other drugs, making substance abuse easier, less publicly recognizable and easier for a teen to hide. The devices create a further danger for teen users who may not be completely aware of what's inside the electronic cigarette. Student discussion includes: What is vaping? What is the vapor made from and how does it work? Is vaping dangerous? Do e-cigarettes contain toxins? Are e-cigarettes dangerous? Do e-cigarettes contain nicotine? Is nicotine harmful? Is nicotine addictive? What are the short and long term side effects? Are teens who vape or use e-cigarettes more likely to start smoking?

DVD / 2016 / 28 minutes

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Illicit drugs include marijuana/hashish, cocaine (including crack), heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants, or prescription drugs used without a prescription. These drugs are chemicals and while each drug produces different physical effects, all abused substances share one thing in common. They hijack the normal function of the brain and change the way the brain responds to issues of self-control, judgment, emotion, motivation, memory and learning. Drugs change the signals coming to and from the brain. Although this can cause temporary euphoria it can also cause hallucinations, anxiety, paranoia and uncontrolled behavior. Marijuana is the number one gateway drug for teenagers. It is stated that teens who smoke marijuana are 85 times more likely to use other illicit drugs. Many teens do not understand why or how they can become addicted to drugs. It is often mistakenly assumed that drug abusers lack moral principle or willpower and that they could stop using simply by choosing to change their behavior. In reality, drug addiction is a complex disease and quitting takes more than good intentions or strong will. Because drugs change the brain in ways that foster compulsive drug abuse, quitting and recovery is a lifelong commitment.

DVD / 2015 / 30 minutes

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Todays teens are more exposed to illegal, prescription and over the counter drugs than ever before. Many teens are starting to see drug use as part of the normal teenage experience whether to escape, self-medicate, get instant gratification, or hide feelings of low self-esteem and lack of confidence. This program discusses the ways teens can resist pressure to try drugs, ways they can say (no) to their friends and the dangers and consequences if they do not. Student discussion includes: The dangers of trying drugs, even if you think (you will just try it once), How to deal with the temptation and peer pressure to try drugs, How doing one drug (like cigarettes or marijuana) can lead to abuse of other drugs, The core issues of why teens try drugs and alcohol, How to recognize the warning signs of addiction, What friends can do to guide or inform of the dangers and consequences, Where a teen can turn to for help.

DVD / 2015 / (Grades 8-12) / 20 minutes

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With the rising phenomenon of social networking websites such as Facebook and Twitter, constant interconnectivity with friends and family is now part of a teens daily life. However as opposed to enriching their lives, is social media just another avenue for teens to become addicted to? One of the biggest problems facing our teens today is the addictive, pervasive effects of social media. It can lead to increased distractibility, anxiety, depression and apathy. Fear of missing out (FOMO) is a very real feeling thats starting to permeate through teens social relationships. Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are making this increasingly more difficult for a teen to avoid. Teens can quickly become self-absorbed in a superficial online world. As a direct result, they crave affirmations from their peers in the form of likes, favorites, shares, retweets, reblogs, and revines. They can even start to feel irrelevant without loads of social media attention. Teens who have trouble connecting face to face may depend on the Internet as a place where they feel understood by their peers and use it as a replacement for social interaction. While they might use social networking sites to connect with others, spending too much time on the internet can actually lead to social isolation, symptoms of depression and withdrawal from family and friends.

DVD / 2015 / (Grades 8-12) / 20 minutes

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Gambling is an addiction that is well recognized. With the growth of online casinos, mobile gambling and eye-catching slot machines, young people today live in a society surrounded by and encouraged to gamble. Gambling takes place anywhere and everywhere. In this program, we speak to numerous casinos & bookmakers about the younger audiences being drawn into the gambling world. We hear the story of Anthony Franklin, a teen who became a victim to the pull of gambling. He tells the story of his long road to recovery which led him to campaign about the dangers of becoming a gambling teen. This program explores if "one more roll of the dice" can lead a teen to throw away a life full of opportunity before its even begun.

DVD / 2014 / 22 minutes

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Video gaming has exploded over recent years and the realism and escapism that is now on offer to teenagers can be a source of relaxation and pleasure. But this same realism and escapism can become a trap that turns carefree gamers to serious addicts. This program delves into the world of video game culture to try and shed light on the issue of video game addiction. Thomas Clare was an average teen when he got lost in the world of gaming, and neglected his real life. We speak to Thomas and his family about the effect this had on all of their lives and ask the question, at which point does a passion and a hobby begin to negatively impact a teenagers life?

DVD / 2014 / 22 minutes

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Gun violence is a growing problem among teens in America. One of the most frightening trends over the last several years has been the rise of gun-related violence at schools. A number of reasons have been cited for the emergence of this disturbing phenomenon. Some of these include the widespread availability of guns, escalating levels of violence in video games and media violence and rising levels of teen alienation and rage. This program discusses the causes of violence in schools, gun control and ultimately asks the question - do students feel safe at school? Subjects Covered Include: How safe do students feel at school? How easy is it for a student to bring a gun into school? How do teens feel about guns at school? Have students been exposed to guns? What should a student do if they know someone is planning on carrying a gun or weapon into school? Are students influenced by media violence? Should teachers be armed?

DVD / 2013 / (Grades 8-12) / 22 minutes

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Young people with mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, self mutilation, reactive attachment disorder are at higher risk for suicidal thoughts. Raising teenagers with mental health issues can be a difficult and very challenging experience. This reflective program focuses on parents and teenagers who tell their stories of struggle as they learn how some families cope with parenting a mentally ill teen. When parents have to deal with a mentally ill teen they face many unique challenges. Through personal stories and discussions, you'll learn some of the reasons for mental illness and some of the solutions and resources for dealing with and available to help support families. Health professionals explore the subject of mental illness and offer thoughtful counsel and advice for parents and teens to help guide them through challenging times. Subjects Covered Include: Depression & emotional problems, How to watch for teens displaying suicidal tendencies, Genetic and environmental factors, Support groups.

DVD / 2013 / (Grades 8-12) / 21 minutes

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There are all kinds of drugs. Some help people with medical problems and can be bought in any store, right over the counter. Other medicines must be prescribed by a doctor. The alcohol and energy drinks we see advertised everywhere? Those are drugs, too. Then there are illegal drugs like marijuana. Some drugs are helpful. Some can be hurtful, and even deadly. What do all they have in common? They all change how your body works and they should all be taken seriously.

At the end of this program students will learn the following:
  • All drugs, including over the counter medications, prescription medicines, energy drinks, alcohol, and marijuana, effect the way your body and mind work.
  • Over-the-counter and prescription medication can also be harmful if they are misused or abused.
  • Taking medicine prescribed for someone else can be dangerous to your health; it is also illegal.
  • Inhalants are potent chemicals that can have serious, even deadly, consequences.
  • Contrary to popular belief, using drugs can have a negative impact on a teen's social and academic life.

  • DVD / 2012 / (Grades 9-12) / 30 minutes

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    Gay, Straight & Accepted Life can get confusing for adolescents when they begin to develop sexual attractions. Through the perspective of straight teenagers, we meet students coming to terms with how they feel and dealing with the anxiety of "coming out." Noel became extremely depressed because she did not know how to deal with being a lesbian. We meet Sam, who is a victim of homophobic harassment. He overcomes the bullying by building a support team. In the end students will realize that sexual orientation should not be isolating.

    At the end of this program students will learn the following:
  • Having sexual feelings and attractions, of any orientation, is a normal part of growing up.
  • Being gay or lesbian can make a teen feel different and confused; it is important to deal with those feelings and not suppress them.
  • Gay and lesbian teens should not to hide who they are.
  • Find a support system - people you can talk to, trust, and rely on.
  • Straight teens should speak up if they see gays being bullied and harassed.

  • DVD / 2012 / (Grades 9-12) / 30 minutes

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    At some point everyone goes through very stressful and anxious situations. Those experiences can be very hard to cope with and lead to feelings of extreme sadness, anger and depression. Sometimes teens may feel like their situations are hopeless and think that one way to get relief from the bad feelings is to escape through suicide. What are the warning signs of suicide? Is there anything we can do to help prevent it? This is what this program will discuss.

    DVD / 2012 / (Grades 9-12) / 30 minutes

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    Teenage drug use has reached epidemic proportions on some high school institutions. Most teens have a tendency to feel indestructible and immune to the problems that others experience. Some teens will experiment with alcohol, drugs, prescription medications and may continue to use and develop a dependency. When a teen chooses to go to school under the influence of drugs or alcohol it can have serious consequences. These include an impact on their scholastic rating, impairing their academic performance, failure to complete assignments and generally lead to a neglect of their scholastic responsibilities. Staying straight is not only a good decision, but is necessary to succeed at school. Marijuana - one of the most misused drugs today - is also one of the most popular and readily available of all controlled substances found on high school campuses. Missing classes, falling behind, getting lower grades and ultimately losing funding for a student's higher education is but a single representation of how drugs and/or alcohol can detrimentally impact a student's academic experience.

    Subjects Covered Include: Alcohol Abuse, Children of Alcoholics (COAs), Prescription drug abuse, Marijuana, Impaired Academic Performance, Staying Straight.

    DVD / 2012 / (Grades 8-12) / 20 minutes

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    Research tells a sobering story: 75 percent of 12th graders have tried alcohol; 30 percent say they've been drunk in the past month; and each year nearly 150,000 teens wind up in the emergency room with alcohol-related injuries. Are parents sending mixed messages to teens when it comes to alcohol? Teen drinking is reaching epidemic proportions. Help viewers learn what parents can do to stop the trend.

    DVD (Region 1) / 2011 / (Middle and High School Students) / 22 minutes

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    The home medicine cabinet may offer kids their most accessible source of drugs. Offer your viewers an eye-opening look at the abuse of prescription and over-the-counter drugs among today's teens and young adults.

    DVD (Region 1) / 2011 / (Middle and High School) / 22 minutes

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    In this program we address the communication gap that occurs between students, their teachers and counselors. We discuss how students can better understand the challenges facing teachers and counselors today. By understanding the mechanics of the school environment, teens will be better prepared for overall success both in and out of school. A student's success in the classroom is not based on their teacher's performance, it is based on their own performance. When students show genuine interest, teachers will be more willing to talk, meet with and address any issues students have. However, students that show a lack of interest, disrupt classes, don' complete assignments, skip classes or show no interest in their academic career are often left behind. Having an open and positive line of communication with a teacher or professor is vital to a student's success in school. Although all instructors have different personalities and expectations, there are some general guidelines student's can follow in order to establish a positive relationship with their teacher.

    Subjects Covered Include:
  • Getting along with your teacher
  • How to handle difficult classes
  • The importance of school counselors
  • When and how to talk with your counselor
  • Choosing your classes wisely
  • Class preparation
  • Having an open & positive line of communication with your teacher

  • DVD / 2011 / (Grades 8-12) / 20 minutes

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    It's scary, dangerous, and hard to talk about: one out of four sexually active teens contracts a sexually transmitted disease (STD) - 3 million new cases a year. STDs, including Chlamydia, herpes and HIV, are a silent epidemic that is getting worse. Real stories and surprising research into teen sexuality will get kids and the adults who care about them thinking about what they should do to prevent life-altering diseases.

    DVD (Region 1) / 2011 / (Middle and High School) / 22 minutes

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    Statistics show that one-in-three women has been beaten, abused or raped - and that's just reported cases. And over 75 percent of the cases are by someone the victim knows. This half-hour program helps kids identify the risks that can occur in dating, including the psychological assault that is not uncommon in some teenage relationships.

    DVD (Region 1) / 2011 / (Middle and High School) / 22 minutes

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    What makes defiant teenagers tick? Discover the clear-cut, physical traits in the teenage brain that explain typical "teen behavior" - and ways to sharpen teen parenting skills.

    DVD (Region 1) / 2011 / (Middle and High School) / 22 minutes

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    The age that kids begin drinking alcohol in the U.S. has been dropping since 1965 and now stands at 12-years-old, an age when the adolescent brain is still developing. Under the Influence examines the physical and emotional dangers involved with teen drinking, along with what parents can do to help prevent, or at least delay that first drink.

    DVD (Region 1) / 2011 / (Middle and High School) / 22 minutes

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    Depression, anxiety, thoughts of suicide … many health care professionals argue that these mental health problems afflict more of our children today than ever, and many of these kids are undiagnosed. 80 percent more teenage girls are hospitalized for depression, compared to ten years ago. And the CDC reports that one in five teens will consider suicide, and one in ten will make a serious attempt. What are the warning signs of these illnesses? How can parents help? And can kids help each other?

    DVD (Region 1) / 2011 / (Middle and High School) / 22 minutes

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    Peer pressure forces teens to make decisions they wouldn't normally make, involving serious issues such as sex, drugs, smoking, reckless driving and grades. When They Say Jump focuses on several teens discussing the difficulties they have had in dealing with the daily struggles of peer pressure.

    DVD (Region 1) / 2011 / (Middle and High School) / 22 minutes

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