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Teen Guidance

Teen Guidance


The theme of this documentary is pulling something from within you that you didn't know that you had so you can find the love for yourself that was missing for so long in order to heal WITH a mental illness. The only way we're ever going to learn about mental illness is if we can relate it to ourselves.

DVD / 2020 / (Grades 8-Adult) / 30 minutes

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DVD / 2020 / (Grades 8-Adult) / 30 minutes

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Rehab or treatment for addiction begins with the desire to stop using drugs or alcohol and choose a clean and sober life. For many teens, this may seem like an impossible task especially when their life seems to have lost all meaning. Nearly all addicted teens think they can stop using on their own and most try to stop without treatment. Although many are successful, many continue down the path ofaddiction and on the road of substance dependence. Understanding that addiction has a fundamental biological component may help explain the difficulty in abstinence without treatment. Many teens in addition to having problems with drugs or alcohol also have problems with depression, anxiety, school phobia andpanic attacks. Because they start using drugs at a young age, they don't develop the normal social skills needed to enter adulthood. They have very little disciplinebecause they've never been shown or cultivated those habits. At first teens think using drugs or alcohol helps them fit in and can relieve stress either at home or at school. However, they soon realize it doesn't fix anything and their problems keep coming back and often get worse. This program teaches teens that living a life of addiction is one that can be changed. Personal accomplishments can be achieved and a healthy successful life, without dependence on drugs or alcohol is possible.

Subjects covered include: What is recovery or rehab? Why recovery works. Recognizing addiction. Working a program of recovery. The steps of recovery. The multisystemic approach. Life after treatment.

DVD / 2017 / 30 minutes

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So Who Becomes Addicted? Most people don't understand why or how someone can become addicted to drugs or alcohol or any other substance that completely dominates their life. This series takes an in-depth look at teen addiction. It provides a personal connection with those in recovery, the steps to recovery and an honest look at substance abuse. Teenagers all go through traumatic experiences and symptoms of depression. In many cases they don't have the resources to deal with their problems. Many times they turn to drugs as a solution or as a coping mechanism if they feel they can't deal with a problem on their own. This often leads to a path of addiction.

This program discusses the traits that can be found in an addictive personality, the warning signs and the attraction to try drugs. It takes a look at what can take a seemingly normal teen down the road of addiction and the intense process of treatment and recovery. Some of the most common paths to addiction include; the desire to belong, to be accepted, to be popular, boredom, depression, low self esteem, peer pressure from social expectation and taking prescription medication that turns to dependency.

This program addresses the physical, mentaland behavioral effects of drug abuse and the effective treatment options. Features clinical addiction psychologists, mental health and teen drug abuse experts. Student Discussion Includes What is addiction? Who gets addicted? The addictive personality. Addictive behavior. The 14 most common paths to addiction. Why teens start using drugs. Experiencing the high. The psychological & physical effects drugs have on the body and brain. The warning signs. The consequences. Denial and acceptance. Cure or treatment?

DVD / 2017 / 30 minutes

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Ecstasy, also called Molly, is a stimulant (man-made) club drug often abbreviated as MDMA that has hallucinogenic properties. MDMA works by providing a rush of Serotonin and Norepinephrine, two neurotransmitters that signal feelings of pleasure and happiness. Ecstasy is one of the most popular drugs among teens today. It has become an embracive marketing term for drug dealers selling Ecstasy-type drugs that may, contain very little or no MDMA at all. While MDMA can produce harmful effects, what is called Ecstasy today can contain a wide mixture of substances from LSD, cocaine, heroin, amphetamine and methamphetamine, to rat poison, caffeine and dog deworming substances. Despite the cute logos dealers put on the pills, this is what makes Ecstasy particularly dangerous, a user never really knows what he is taking. Ecstasy most commonly comes in pill form but can also be injected and taken in other ways. Liquid Ecstasy is actually GHB, a nervous system depressant - a substance that can also be found in drain cleaner, floor stripper and degreasing solvents.

DVD / 2016 / 30 minutes

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Heroin is an extremely addictive Opioid drug that's synthesized from Morphine. Heroin can be snorted, smoked, or injected and usually comes in a white or brown powder substance. It's estimated that almost of all people who use Heroin once become addicted. Teen Heroin Abuse is a growing danger in our youth. The image of a listless young heroin addict collapsed in a filthy, dark alley is obsolete. Today, the young addict could be as young as 12 years old, play video games and enjoy the music of his generation. They can appear smart, stylish and bear none of the common traces of heroin use, such as needle marks on their arms. Because it is available in various forms that are easier to consume and more affordable, heroin today is more tempting than ever. The number of teenagers aged 12 to 17, who used heroin at some point in their lives has increased by 300%. A young person who might think twice about putting a needle in his arm may more readily smoke or sniff the same drug. But this is falsely reassuring and may give one the idea that there is less risk. The truth is that heroin in all its forms is dangerous and addictive.

DVD / 2016 / 30 minutes

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Legal highs are man-made substances/chemicals and strong stimulants that have similar effects to illegal drugs like cocaine, cannabis or ecstasy. They are sometimes called club drugs or new psychoactive substances (NPS) and provide physical, emotional and hallucinogenic effects and are marketed as a legal high. They range from plants, to synthetic drugs, to medicines you can buy from a pharmacy. What makes them similar is that they are all legal, but that does not mean they are safe. There is often not enough research about these drugs to know their potency or the adverse effects from human consumption. You cannot really be sure of what is in them or the effect they could have on you. Many legal highs have been directly linked to poisoning, seizures, severe trauma and in some cases death. So what is a teens motivation to try these drugs? This program attempts to find out but asking teens the question, what are legal highs?

DVD / 2016 / 30 minutes

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An effective program to combat teen dating abuse is an essential part of any high school health and guidance curriculum, and this one is a great tool. This is the story of Jenny- a happy, high performing student who is in her first serious relationship with Jake. As their relationship evolves, Jake monopolizes more and more of her time, isolates her from friends, and interferes with her studies before becoming verbally and physically abusive.

This program brings the causes and consequences of teen dating abuse to life through a series of dramatic vignettes, and viewers learn how any young person can be affected — black or white, boy or a girl, straight or gay. The five red flags examined are constant contact, false accusations, explosive tempers, threats, and blaming.

DVD / 2016 / (Grades 6-12) / 7 minutes

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E-cigarettes have been called the next generation cigarette and vaping the newest way for teens to start smoking. Studies state 1 in 4 high school students have already tried e-cigarettes. Teens who vape are more likely to start smoking than teens who don't and nonsmoking teens who start vaping are 3 times as likely to start smoking cigarettes. So what makes Vaping so dangerous? Most teens assume vaping is harmless, however it is not. E-cigs contain mostly "nicotine", which can wreak havoc with the cardiovascular system and lead to hypertension and heart attacks. Nicotine is an addicting substance and can work as a "gateway" drug to smoking regular cigarettes. In its concentrated, potent, liquid form, nicotine is blended with a variety of flavorings, colorings, assorted chemicals and toxins to create a vapor. It's this nicotine that can cause an addiction and fuel a teens' transition from vaping to smoking. Vaping might be hard to notice since there is no cigarette smoke or smell of it. Many vaping devices are designed to look like pens; compact, shiny and easy to disguise. Vaping can cause as much short-term inflammation in the lungs as regular cigarettes and the nicotine-free vapor may cause even more. Also fueling the trend is the accessibility of oil concentrates. A vape pen creates an inhalable vapor with a small inner coil that slowly heats, creating a vapor that is inhaled. Water-soluble synthetics are easily converted into liquid concentrate that can go into the device cartridges and be vaped just like nicotine and other legal substances. It makes it nearly impossible to tell what's inside someone's vape. It could be nicotine, marijuana concentrate, or fruit-flavored or nicotine-free "e-liquid." Worst of all, it could be a deadly concoction of chemicals, known as synthetic drugs.

The biggest danger may lie in the use of vaping devices. After a teen is used to some nicotine in the form of an e-cigarette, they may ultimately transition to traditional cigarettes to get nicotine more easily and quickly. Vaping devices are also compatible with marijuana, cocaine, THC liquids and other drugs, making substance abuse easier, less publicly recognizable and easier for a teen to hide. The devices create a further danger for teen users who may not be completely aware of what's inside the electronic cigarette. Student discussion includes: What is vaping? What is the vapor made from and how does it work? Is vaping dangerous? Do e-cigarettes contain toxins? Are e-cigarettes dangerous? Do e-cigarettes contain nicotine? Is nicotine harmful? Is nicotine addictive? What are the short and long term side effects? Are teens who vape or use e-cigarettes more likely to start smoking?

DVD / 2016 / 28 minutes

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Violence is anything that hurts a person physically or emotionally. School violence refers to any act of violence that occurs within a school community. Both "threats of violence" and physical "acts of violence" create an unsettling and unsafe environment for everyone in a school community. Why does it happen? How can school violence be prevented? This program explores answers to those questions and seeks to help students understand the important role they play in preventing school violence.

Through live-action, true-to-life scenarios viewers will learn to identify potential problem behaviors and warning signs that can typically lead to violence. Viewers will recognize that an important way they can prevent school violence has to do with simply being aware of the people around you and being able to spot something that isn't quite right before it escalates. Students will come to understand the difference between a direct and indirect threat and how context of the threat determines how threats should be handled. In addition, students will learn to identify behaviors that may be warning signs to potential violent actions and that whenever they feel threatened or unsafe that they have an obligation to report the incident to trusted adult within the school community.

DVD / 2016 / (Grades 7-12) / 18 minutes

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Using vintage footage, the program opens with a discussion of how peoples' attitudes about marijuana have changed dramatically over the years, but the one thing is certain; marijuana changes the way the brain functions. Students will learn how the THC in marijuana enters the lungs, is absorbed into the bloodstream, and enters the brain almost immediately. Viewers will come to understand the immediate effects of marijuana use on various body systems. The program discusses the effects of marijuana on attention, memory and learning and sites the evidence from scientific studies on the long-term, harmful changes in the brain. In addition, the program explores the use of medical marijuana and its legalization as a recreational drug in different states.

After viewing this program, students will:
  • understand that marijuana changes the way the brain functions
  • learn the immediate effects of marijuana on the body systems
  • understand marijuana has negative effects on attention, memory and learning
  • learn that marijuana is a drug that can be prescribed for medical purposes
  • recognize that marijuana is an illegal recreational drug

  • DVD / 2016 / (Grades 7-12) / 14 minutes

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    This program begins with a discussion about how our instincts drive us to avoid pain or remove pain from our lives. From this perspective, the video explains the difference between healthy and unhealthy approaches to getting rid of pain. Students will learn about prescription opioids and the potential risk of addiction that is identified by two key components, tolerance and withdrawal. The program then targets the short and long term effects of heroin use, and explains how it harms various body systems. Students will come to understand that heroin addiction goes beyond physical dependence, and that once addicted to heroin, a person's primary goal in life is to find and ingest the drug.

    After viewing this program, students will:
  • understand heroin is an opioid that is highly addictive
  • learn that tolerance and withdrawal are identified as the two key components of addiction
  • understand the short term and long term effects of heroin use on the body and brain
  • recognize the relationship between our instincts to avoid or remove pain from our lives, prescription drugs and heroin use

  • DVD / 2016 / (Grades 7-12) / 15 minutes

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    In many surveys, the vast majority of teenagers report that when they do something their parents wouldn't approve of, they're just pursuing their freedom. This program begins the discussion of addiction and dependency from the point of view of surrendering your freedom. Students will learn that there are different types of addiction and that addiction is a persistent and compulsive dependence on an unhealthy behavior. In the program, students will come to understand the difference between psychological and physical dependence. Viewers will be introduced to a scientific theory called the cycle of addiction and learn that scientific research has shown that addiction is a disease that harms the brain and effects behavior.

    After viewing this program, students will:
  • understand that addiction is a persistent and compulsive dependence on an unhealthy behavior
  • learn the difference between psychological and physical dependence
  • understand addiction is a disease that effects the brain and behavior

  • DVD / 2016 / (Grades 7-12) / 15 minutes

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    The program begins with an explanation of how new communication technologies have changed the way people in relationships communicate with each other, and how its revolutionized dating and romance. Students will come to understand the difference between "flirting" and "sexting", the exchange of sexually explicit text messages and images. In addition, the video discusses the personal, social and legal consequences of sexting. Viewers are provided with simple and creative strategies to say "no" to a request to send an explicit message. The overall message of the program is not to allow yourself to be controlled by someone else, to respect yourself and to trust your instincts.

    After viewing this program, students will:
  • understand that new technologies have changed the way people in relationships communicate with each other
  • recognize the difference between flirting and sexting
  • understand sexting is the exchange of sexually explicit texts and images
  • learn strategies to say no to requests to send sexting messages
  • understand the importance of respecting yourself and do what's right for you
  • understand that the sending of explicit texts and photos by underage persons is illegal

  • DVD / 2016 / (Grades 7-12) / 14 minutes

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    Using vintage footage, this program shows viewers how the social attitudes about smoking have changed dramatically over the past several decades. The program then focuses on the short term and long-term, negative effects of smoking tobacco and vaping. It explains the addictive power of nicotine, a substance found in tobacco. Students will see real, vivid scientific demonstrations of the damaging effect of smoking on the respiratory system and circulatory system. Animation and graphics help to present how smoking negatively affects every part of the human body and discusses the health and financial costs to individuals and the society.

    After viewing this program, students will:
  • understand that smoking tobacco has short and long term negative effects on the body
  • learn that nicotine is an addictive substance found in tobacco
  • understand that vaping is not a safe alternative to smoking
  • recognize the harmful health and financial costs to individuals and society
  • learn that smoking tobacco and the use of smokeless tobacco can lead to diseases including lung problems, heart disease, and many kinds of cancer

  • DVD / 2016 / (Grades 7-12) / 13 minutes

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    The program starts off with an explanation of what alcohol is, how it's produced, and its role as a celebratory beverage in our society. Students will come to understand the reasons alcohol is illegal to consume for persons under the age of twenty-one. The video delves into the immediate effects of alcohol consumption on blood circulation and breathing. Viewers will learn alcohol sedates the central nervous system and how it impacts parts of the brain responsible for emotion and behavior. The program explores the negative effects of alcohol abuse and addiction on a person, family and the community. In the end, students will come to understand that the decisions they make about alcohol will influence their health, grades, relationships, career and their freedom.

    After viewing this program, students will:
  • understand alcohol is a drug that can be addictive
  • learn that alcohol is legal to consume for adults 21 years of age and up
  • understand the short term effects of alcohol and long term effects of alcohol abuse
  • recognize the negative impact of alcoholism on individuals, families and society

  • DVD / 2016 / (Grades 7-12) / 14 minutes

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    The video focuses on warning signs and prevention; facts on statistics on what works and what doesn't; how to recognize the signs of suicide; and what to do if you think a friend or a loved one is contemplating ending their life.

    DVD / 35 minutes

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    This video centers around understanding suicide; facts and statistics about teen suicide; why it happens; the myths and fallacies surrounding it; and the ways in which it affects family and friends.

    DVD / 28 minutes

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