For many universities, this intensified pressure to prove the economic merits of research efforts has brought with it much closer integration and partnership with local and regional economic development agencies, as well as new initiatives that put more focus ¨C and more pressure ¨C on the ways TTOs and their universities contribute to their communities' fiscal well being.

During this program, you'll have an opportunity to hear from two universities that stand out as proactive examples of how to meet the economic development challenge. Rutgers University and the University of Maryland have each created a dedicated economic development office, and are actively employing creative strategies to stimulate economic impact and measure their results.

This program, where they will share their methods, challenges, successes, and measurement strategies:
~ Details of each university's strategic plan for economic development on a local, regional and state level
~ How to ensure university and TTO goals are aligned with economic development efforts
~ Innovative ideas for encouraging
~ Strategies for measuring and reporting on economic impact metrics
~ Dealing effectively with pressure for results
~ Marketing and PR strategies that put your successes in economic development terms
~ Tapping into the Economic Development Administration's resources and assistance programs
~ Review of the AAU and APLU's economic development plan
USD 197.00
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