By Richard Mulvey

Has your team performed well this year? Think what you could achieve if they are all performing at their peak every day. We all know it's attitude that makes the difference and in this work Richard demonstrates how to develop and maintain a winning attitude.

~ Discover how to be a Winning Salesperson
~ Achieve what ever you want to achieve
~ Learn how sports people maintain a wining attitude
~ Find out how you can be better than the best you can be

There are only two things involved in success; skills and attitude, and if you can get your attitude right the rest seems to fall into place. Sports people have to be able to get their best performance at the flick of a switch and for sales people attitude is also critical. Attitude forces us out of bed on a bad sales day. Attitude drives us to see more customers, learn and practice better selling skills, keep at it even when the rest of the world seems to be against us. Attitude wins sales! But how do we have the right attitude and maintain peak performance levels? In this workRichard explains how to get and maintain the right attitude to perform at your peak.
60 minutes
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