The program begins with an overview of the anatomy of the female genitourinary system and the breast. The assessment portion begins with a reproductive and urinary health history, including menstrual difficulties and an obstetrical history. The objective assessment portion provides a demonstration of urine testing and includes information of the effects of foods, vitamins, and medications on urine.

This program provides an overview of the patient assessment process, and how it correlates with quality patient care.

After viewing this program, the learner should be able to:
~ Describe the anatomy and physiology of the female genitourinary system and breasts
~ Describe subjective data to obtain in the assessment of the female genitourinary system and breasts
~ Describe objective data to obtain in the assessment of the breasts
~ Describe objective data to obtain in the assessment of the female genitourinary system
~ Describe specific abnormalities that should be observed for during an assessment of the breasts and female genitourinary system
~ List key questions to ask when taking the patient's history
34 minutes
USD 315.00
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