This critically-acclaimed film documents a unique take on Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" when a group of retired actors, dancers, and musicians now residing at the Lillian Booth Actors Home are coaxed back into the spotlight. And nothing is as it seems. As the rehearsal process unfolds with the help of two young Shakespearean co-directors, the actors find themselves experiencing both the pain and exhilaration of re-immersion in their life's work in the midst of aging challenges. The realities of Alzheimer's and dementia, as well as, physical, visual, and hearing limitations (and self-confidence) create constant obstacles, but the show must go on. And go on it does, resulting in an energetic performance that surprises and transforms everyone involved. This life-affirming film reminds us that the human need to continue to grow and share oneself transcends age, dementia, and even the societal limitations we place on ourselves and others. It also leaves the viewer with a burning question: What more can older adults and persons with dementia continue to do when encouraged? Still Dreaming urges us to find out.
94 minutes
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