"Suffering from this disease, we should cherish every one, cherish life and the days that follow, because I don't know when I'm going to leave the world and leave Mom and Dad" said Yeung Hiu-dan, forever 13 years old.

The young siblings Yeung Tak Chun and Yeung Hiu Dan both suffered from Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) Type VI. Last year they were donated free medicines for one year from pharmaceuticals to help extend their life. Unfortunately in early 2009, the younger sister Hiu Dan died before the medicines arrived, while the elder brother Tak Chun's health condition deteriorated day after day and lost his vision as a result of the disease. Though having lost her beloved daughter and grief at heart, Mrs Yeung takes care of Tak Chun's daily life as usual, and still feels her daughter by her side.

At 17, Tak Chun is no more than one metre tall, and requires wheelchair for locomotion. However, he is cheerful, voluble, well-liked by friends, and is the most important source of strength to Mrs. Yeung whose friends believe that the two babies with MPS were in fact sent from God because of their kind heart.
30 minutes
USD 500.00