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Business Management

Business Management


Life as we know it is changing and disrupting every sector of our lives in the age of COVID-19. The ramifications of the Coronavirus Pandemic have rippled across every aspect of our professional and personal lives. With governments enforcing stringent guidelines to protect its citizens there is much that can be done by businesses when it comes to the safety and wellbeing of employees. Planning how to manage office utilization in a way that members of your organization stay healthy and safe can be a challenging task, but having the right information and data on how your office space is used is a big step in decision-making when it comes to workspace planning for a post-pandemic workplace. What we've learned is to be prepared and not panic. As we return to work, we should be aware, not scared, practice preventative action at all times and take the extra measures to ensure health and safety is protected. This program teaches us all how to act proactively and learn the precautions we need to put in place to return to the workplace during the Coronavirus Pandemic.

We'll learn what habits to follow and the role of managers to ensure workplace safety. New research suggests the coronavirus can live on a mask, plastic and stainless steel for 7 days. It can live on glass and money for 4 days. It can live on cloth and wood for 2 days. It can live 1 day on cardboard and on paper for 3 hours. As we return to work, all employees need to be aware. Wear a cloth mask (but not one designated for a health care worker), PPE (personal protective equipment) if instructed, stay calm (stress will lower your immune system), avoid close contact with those who are feeling unwell, keep two arm lengths (6 feet) between yourself and others, practice good hygiene and avoid shared use of office desks, work tools and equipment. Corporations will need to adapt social distancing to the workplace, rethink floor layouts and desk seating arrangements, stagger work schedules, stagger arrival times and look at prototypes where markings delineate a six-foot radius around each desk. Most people touch their faces several hundred times a day. To avoid infection, it's time we form new habits.

Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth unless your hands are completely sanitized. Always cough or sneeze into your arm. Promote regular hand washing to employees and customers. Wash your hands with soap and water for twenty seconds every two hours especially after using the bathroom, before, during and after food preparation, after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing and after touching garbage. Keep hand sanitizer at workstations at all times. Use disposable gloves, gowns and a mask for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces such as doorknobs, tables, desks, light fixtures and handrails. Surface disinfectants like Lysol and bleach are recommended for high touch surfaces. Ensure the surface stays wet for 4 minutes.

Use video and web conferencing for meetings and assess the risks of business travel. If in-person meetings are absolutely necessary, ensure proper distancing in a well-ventilated space. It's everyone's responsibility to ensure the workplace is clean and hygienic. Managers should develop an infection control policy and select an Emergency Planning Coordinator who should keep ongoing communication with their local public health department. They should put strategies in place to ensure the work environment is safe and provide signage throughout the company promoting good respiratory hygiene and recommendations for cleaning and social distancing. The coronavirus is primarily a respiratory illness that spreads airborne droplets from an infected person's coughs or sneezes. Most of these droplets fall on nearby objects and surfaces. You could spread the virus to co-workers and others even if you don't feel sick. The whole world is facing the same challenges. It is therefore vital that we pay attention, take responsibility, get the facts, stay informed and be prepared.

DVD / 2020 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 8 minutes

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Learn the importanced of creating, how to proof and modify an employee manual and the importance of signing Acknowledgement Forms. Every organization needs a foundation for your workplace. An Employee Manual lays the groundwork for behavior and standards in addition to preventing legal disputes. All you need to do is modify, customize and fill in the blanks. This program takes you through all nine sections required in a company employee manual.

DVD / 2020 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 17 minutes

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We will learn the importance of taking a brief mental break. We will learn ways to relax during a brief mental break. We will learn why it is essential to ritualize relaxation. The average American works 9.2 hours a day. Though American work laws require all full-time employees to take a lunch break - only 1 in 3 workers actually take a lunch break. The remaining 2 in 3 eat at their desks and do not take short breaks. In fact, coworkers are often hesitant to even take a break if their manager does not. Taking breaks may reduce headaches, eyestrain, and lower back pain. Schedule your breaks and make them a habit.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 4 minutes

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We will learn how to confront our resistance and fear of change. We will learn to concentrate on the benefits of change at work. We will learn how change helps a company to strive and expand. We all wish for things to be better and more effective yet often dread, if not fear, the steps for improvement and our current routine. By learning to accept that change is natural, we can begin to adapt more quickly. Keep in mind you do not have to like the change but you do have to find a way to cope without fear of failure, fear of success, fear of rejection, fear of criticism, and fear of the unknown.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 3 minutes 55 Seconds

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In this program we'll learn if common sense can be learned and the many pet peeves people have of each other. We'll learn the components and benefits of critical thinking and how common sense and common courtesy can affect your development and shape your views on tolerance, diversity and stereotypes. Discover how it affects your relationships, daily travels and your workplace and how it can impact your physical and mental health.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 50 minutes

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In this program we'll learn the traits of a bully and how to handle a bully and how managers can eradicate bullying. Some bullies are obvious. They may throw things, slam doors, insult others, and be rude. Others may be much more subtle. While appearing to be courteous and reasonable on the surface, they are actually engaging in vicious character attacks and fabricating lies. The bully has never learned to accept responsibility for their behavior. Bullying is not about a clash of personalities or a simple misunderstanding. Unfortunately, bullies are poorly developed people. They use surprise and secrecy to gain leverage over those they target.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 6 minutes

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Get that job! A cover letter can help a job-seeker stand out from the other applicants. In this program you'll learn the components of a great resume, the importance of editing documents and producing a great cover letter. The cover letter is a sales pitch that sells your unique value and a resume is a marketing document that sells your unique skills and strengths. The objective is to stand-out as a superior candidate and land an interview. As you begin to write your resume, keep in mind it generally gets scanned for only 25 seconds. Learn how to give a positive presentation of your experiences and skills, information to include and exclude and the benefits of editing and proofreading.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 5 minutes 17 Seconds

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Land an Interview! The key to a successful interview is preparation. The one aspect that will ensure an impressive interview is preparation, preparation, preparation. If your compelling resume and cover letter landed you an interview, it's time to prepare for the actual interview and there is no better way than to anticipate and prepare for the questions. This program teaches the importance of researching a company and how to anticipate and prepare for the questions. Learn how to address specific questions the interviewer may ask.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 4 minutes 14 Seconds

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In this program we'll learn the health statistics of cell phone use and when not to use a cell phone. We will learn remedies for cell phone addiction. As with most inventions, necessity creates demand. And nothing proves that more than the cell phone. And with progress comes responsibility. Things we take for granted can easily become abused. There are more than 270 million cell phone subscribers in the U.S. and an estimated 200 billion worldwide. Did you know that a cell phone exposes you to a form of electromagnetic radiation called Radiofrequency Energy? In fact, scientists suspect this radiation known as RF may increase brain cell damage leading to tumors.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 5 minutes

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In this program we'll learn the negative impact of cell phone use and the positive impact of cell phone use. We will learn cell phone etiquette. No one owns the planet - we share it. And with such insight, we should consider politeness, consideration, and compassion. Cell phones are a marvelous invention, but if its use causes carelessness and excessive stress and inconsideration, it can be seen as a nuisance, a health hazard, and a deadly distraction. Perhaps simple awareness will keep us from losing additional freedoms. Let's look at rudeness versus manners. In the ranks of rudeness, cell phones rank supreme. Often, the most annoying sound following the ringer is the person talking.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 5 minutes

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In this program we'll learn the statistics of texting and driving and proper cell phone use in the workplace. We will learn tips to ensure safety when using a cell phone. Driving a vehicle is a major responsibility. Driving a vehicle safety should be the number one concern for every driver. And yet, despite the risks of injuring one's self, a passenger, a pedestrian or those in another vehicle, the majority of teen drivers seem to ignore cell phone driving restrictions. Talking on a cell phone while driving can slow your reaction time. Employers are encouraged to create policies that ensure their employees with company vehicles have driver safety training as well as guidelines for cell phone use. The training only be effective if enforced.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 5 minutes 28 Seconds

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Explore the benefits of office etiquette and courtesy. Explore what never to do in a business environment. Learn a common sense approach to conflict resolution. Common sense is the ability to think and behave in a reasonable way; to make a decision based on a simple perception of tghe situation or the facts. We all have an impact on business - either as a customer or worker. More than 13 million working days are lost every year due to stress-related causes costing U.S. employers approximately $300 billion annually. Seven out of ten Americans think that civility has eroded. Perhaps it is time for customers and workers to rethink manners.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 9 minutes 28 Seconds

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We will learn if common sense can be learned. We will learn the many pet peeves people have on unaware behavior. We will learn the components and benefits of critical thinking. Examined is how critical thinking, common sense, and common courtesy affected your development as a child, how it shapes your views on tolerance, diversity, and stereotypes, how it affects your relationships, daily travels, and your workplace, and how it impacts your physical and mental health.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 6 minutes

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In this program we'll learn the art of effective communication and what leads to conflict. We will learn the power of your actions and words. Words create impressions. Images, and expectations. They influence how we think. Words can inform - words can hurt - and words can reassure. There's a powerful connection between the words we use and the results we get. Poorly chosen words can hamper enthusiasm and affect self-esteem. Well-chosen words can motivate and encourage thinking and creatively. You are important and have great impact whether you realize it or not. What you write and what you say can have a lasting imprint on others. One of the most difficult skills to acquire is the art of effective communication.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 4 minutes 48 Seconds

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We will learn the physical, emotional, and behavioral effects of fatigue. We will learn the cognitive and interpersonal effects of fatigue. We will learn ways to prevent compassion fatigue and restore energy. Compassion Fatigue is a combination of physical, emotional, and spiritual depletion associated with caring for people in significant pain and physical distress. We are proud of the professionals and the volunteers that follow their passion to help the lives of others. We appreciate their serviced and depend on their expertise. And with such responsibility comes rewards for caring and a cost for caring. Caring too much can hurt. We often forget that taking care of ourselves is an essential component to helping others. Acknowledging the occupational hazards of care giving is the first step toward preventing secondary traumatic stress.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 5 minutes 36 Seconds

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In this program we'll learn how confidence is essential in the workplace and how confidence creates and arrogance destroys. We will learn how to interact with arrogant employees. Confidence is essential in the workplace. Confident people are comfortable in their own skin. Their confidence is grounded in experience and a sense of self-worth. Their words and actions are inspiring. Arrogance is destructive in the workplace. Arrogant people are not comfortable in their own skin and are often insecure. Their arrogance is an over-inflated sense of their position and power. Their words and actions show they are above everybody else.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 4 minutes

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We will learn if common sense can be learned. We will learn the many pet peeves people have on unaware behavior. We will learn the components and benefits of critical thinking. Examined is how critical thinking, common sense, and common courtesy affected your development as a child, how it shapes your views on tolerance, diversity, and stereotypes, how it affects your relationships, daily travels, and your workplace, and how it impacts your physical and mental health.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 9 minutes

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Learn how to prepare your mindset before taking a call. We will learn good phone techniques and the key to great customer service. Every person that walks into your store, contacts you by phone or online is entitled to your respect, your assistance and your attention, yet 89% of shoppers have stopped buying from an online store after they experienced poor customer service. This a lost opportunity because great customer service translates into more sales and repeat customers.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 4 minutes 31 Seconds

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We will learn how complaints are the greatest source of learning, the actions and behaviors that could frustrate a customer and the techniques to handle a perceived difficult customer. The best way to handle a difficult customer is to put the word "difficult" in perspective. A customer perceived as difficult may be more in the eyes of the customer service representative or company than the customer. Customers react to stress and disappointment in a variety of ways. They need someone with who they can vent, someone who will provide a quick resolution. Businesses who understand how to handle difficult customers can reap huge rewards.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 5 minutes 36 Seconds

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We will learn how easy the internet makes complaining easy. We will learn ways a company can excel using great customer service. We will learn how to deliver top quality customer service. The internet makes complaining easy - but comments and statistics are the roadmap to marketing and improvement. Statistically, consumers are engaged, informed, and have limited time to make purchases. Do not lose them due to poor customer service, poor telemarketing techniques, poor order processing, or poor technical support. Every single person in your company should be caring for the customer in ways that exceed their expectations.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 5 minutes 11 Seconds

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We will learn the importance of great customer service. We will learn the reasons why a company needs to excel. We will learn the role of the manager and employee. The term call center was first published by the Oxford English dictionary in 1983. It is not just a department, it is a reflection of the company. And everyone in the company must agree they need customers. If you work for pay, the customer guarantees your paycheck. A company wishing to excel should know the best strategy to increase profits is to provide great customer service through phone and email support, web forms, chat rooms, and social media. Great customer service can turn a first-time buyer into a lifetime customer.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 4 minutes

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We will learn the qualities of a great customer service representative. Will will learn the importance of high emotional intelligence. We will learn the training needed for a customer service agent. It takes a very special individual to excel at customer service. The skilled individual is adaptable, articulate, attentive, caring, compassionate, confident, curious, flexible, friendly, goal-oriented, helpful, kind, motivated, patient, persuasive, a problem-solver, and tenacious. Now for those who may not possess every quality, they can be learned and serve you well throughout your career.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 5 minutes 49 Seconds

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In this program we'll learn about a cyber defense training program and all about hackers and data breaches. We will learn about security solutions. Americans are more worried about cybercrime than being a victim of violent crime. And with good reason. Any computer connected to the internet is vulnerable and most users are not properly trained to avert cyberattacks. Hackers are becoming more sophisticated in their attempt to confiscate email accounts and employee data. When your employee is at risk, your business is at risk; and organizations need to be one strep ahead of the criminal wave.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 5 minutes

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In this program we'll learn it is better to correct behavior than to punish and when disciplinary action is needed. We will learn how to investigate and start a report. A good manager knows disciplining employees is part of the job. A great manager knows the purpose of discipline is to correct behavior instead of punishing or embarrassing an employee. Indeed, most employees strive for excellence - and they greatly benefit from guidance and understanding instead of diminishing remarks or threats. Employees need regular feedback on what they're doing right or doing wrong. Even a productive employee is still capable of creating instability in the workplace, which is why an Employee Manual and training sessions are essential to maintain a pleasant and productive work environment.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 5 minutes 49 Seconds

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In this program we'll learn the facts from the myths about anger and how it can affect your health. We'll learn effective techniques to manage your anger. Uncontrolled anger and misplaced aggression is an epidemic. 77% of students are being bullied physically, mentally, or verbally. 71.5 million Americans are affected by bullying in the workplace. Rage in the home and in the workplace is common. How did we get to be so angry? We'll explore the negative beliefs that fuel frustration and anger and how we process negative emotions along with successful anger management tips.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 21 minutes

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In this program we'll learn how fears are developed and how a worker's fear affects the workplace. We'll explore ways and techniques to overcome fear. Just the very word can scare us. Horror movies, ghost stories, the evening news, fear is all around us. The amusement park and Halloween industry thrive on people's enjoyment of fear. But for others, fear can paralyze and place great limits on living a fulfilled life. Fear is about imminent danger or concern for a future unpleasant event. Fear is an emotion that responds to a threatening situation. It may surprise you to know that fear is not necessarily your enemy. In small doses, fear may get you to focus your mind and be the voice of reason and caution. We'll discuss how there's a healthy fear and an unhealthy fear.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 23 minutes

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In this program we'll learn the history of lying and why we lie. We'll learn how lying affects relationships and your job and we'll explore effective approaches to eliminate the use of lying. Since the dawn of mankind, to avoid confrontation or embarrassment, our ancestors had to learn how to cooperate. In order to survive, they found a powerful tool that would get results by conveying a false impression. They discovered lying. It's ironic. We value honesty - yet we can be so sneaky. We value truth - yet lying is the number one reason people lose trust. Why do we do it? Let's discover how we learned to lie as a child and why we continue to lie as adults.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 20 minutes

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We will learn why companies expect highly planned professional emails. We will learn clear communication in a brief format creates effective emails. We will learn that first email resolution pleases every customer and professional. Email is the preferred choice of communicating for most of us - and most of us are overwhelmed by the amount of emails we receive each day. In fact, we spend 13 hours a week or 28% of the workweek managing emails. While milllenials prefer improvised texting for personal use, companies expect professional presentation. No one has time for leisure banter.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 4 minutes 46 Seconds

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We will learn the five components of emotional intelligence. We will learn the importance of correctly interpreting our emotions. We will learn how emotional intelligence has much to do with success. We all know the term Intelligence Quotient better known as IQ, but there is also Emotional Intelligence which is another kind of smart and affects 58% of your performance, your physical health, your mental health, and your relationships. In fact, people with average IQs outperform those with the highest IQs 70% of the time. It is the art of correctly identifying and managing emotions and tendencies so as to remain calm under pressure and achieve resilience. It is the essence of self-awareness and helps you better manage relationships. It is much easier to communicate clearly if you know how you feel and how the other person feels.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 5 minutes 4 Seconds

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We will learn how important it is to support ourselves and others with compassion and sensitivity. We will learn how empathy improves relationships and profits. We will learn to be curious about the views and experiences of others. Empathy is the ability to relate to the thought, emotion, or experience of others. Empathy is a right brain activity that allows you to step into the shoes of another person and understand their feelings and needs. Considering Americans are polarized yet businesses need relationships, it is time we support ourselves and other with compassion and sensitivity. We should be curious about the views and experiences of others.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 4 minutes

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In this program we'll learn about proper lighting, temperature and sound and about the components of a training program. We will learn how ergonomics will improve morale. Ergonomics is the science of making things comfortable and efficient. The purpose of an ergonomics program is to reduce or eliminate hazards that contribute to the development of Cumulative Trauma Disorders, disorders caused by repetitive motions. Serious problems may result when a certain muscle or tendon is overused. As people and jobs are different, successful solutions may vary by individuals; therefore, the following are general guidelines, and it is up to your Manager to decide what actions are appropriate for your company.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 6 minutes

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In this program we'll learn successful methods to set-up your workstation and the tips to perform safely at your workstation. We will learn the importance of good ergonomic practice. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly two-thirds of all occupational illnesses reported, were caused by exposure to repeated trauma to a worker's upper body (the wrist, elbow, or shoulder). Musculoskeletal disorders including carpel tunnel syndrome affects 7% of the working population. They account for 14% of physician visits and 19% of hospital stays. 62% of those afflicted report some degree of limits on activities. Almost half of all carpel tunnel causes result in 31 days or more of loss of work. You deserve to work in a comfortable work atmosphere.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 6 minutes

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Explore how awareness is the key to change, how to resolve conflicts while observing the traits of an effective team player and manager. It's one thing to call a group of individuals a team. It's another for that group of individuals to actually function as a true team. Teamwork is the concept of people working together cooperatively. As a team player or manager, it is beneficial to learn about effective communication, conflict resolution and how everyone benefits from respect, support and appreciation. It's also important to separate myths from facts about teamwork. This program discusses the constructive ways to welcome a newcomer to your organization. We don't always get to choose our team mates but one thing is for sure, personal problems or lackluster attitudes are not permitted on a successful team.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 15 minutes 39 Seconds

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In this program we'll learn the concept of teamwork and how to separate facts from myths about teamwork. We will learn how to resolve conflicts. It's one thing to call a group of individuals a team. It's another thing for that group of individuals to actually function as a team. Teamwork is the concept of people working together cooperatively. A team is worth more than the sum of its parts. No one does it alone. Successful team players listen instead of assume. Successful team players are assertive instead of aggressive. Successful team players use tact instead of bluntness. Successful team players value the diversity that comprises their team.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 6 minutes

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In this program we'll explore ways to handle difficult people, resolve conflicts and how to improve emails and correspondence. We'll learn to understand how one's personal behavior reflects the company. Customer service is the art of politely listening and responding to the needs of customers in a professional and timely manner. Good service with a kind, understanding voice will exude confidence and compassion. Even the most difficult customer can benefit from your tact, poise and steadiness. Good attitude makes all the difference and sets an organization way above its competitors.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 13 minutes 20 Seconds

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In this program we'll explore ways to handle difficult people, resolve conflicts and how to improve emails and voicemails. We will understand how one's personal behavior reflects the company. Customer service is the art of politely listening and responding to the needs of the valued customer in a professional and timely manner. Good service with a kind, understanding voice will exude confidence and compassion to the customer. Even the most difficult customer can benefit from your tact, poise, and steadiness. Good attitude makes all the difference and sets an organization way above its competitors. Topics include phone presentation, emails, faxes, and manners.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 7 minutes

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In this program we'll learn the four components to effective management and what behaviors to avoid. We will learn how to build a healthy workplace culture. Congratulations, you have been selected to be a manager. Some get there by accident, others work their way up the ladder. But now that you're here, it's no longer about you, it's about your team. And you have a new challenge, you must prove your effectiveness to your former peers and to your new hires. A first-time manager will discover it takes time to find your footing and know your direction. The best advice is to be patient with yourself and your team as you both create an effective, productive, and sustainable work environment.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 7 minutes

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In this program we'll learn how business generates waste and the benefits of going green. We will learn how to reduce waste in the office. The environment has been abused for a long time and is not as resilient as we once thought. Every business generates waste - and it costs money. Individuals and organizations are now finding ways to improve recycling, reduction in energy use, emission reduction, and reduction in the use of aerosols. Whether going green is individual or business-based, the savings benefits the community, the environment, and the planet.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 7 minutes

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In this program we'll learn the harmful effects of gossip and the two ways to look professional. We will learn how to handle information passed onto you. We live in a society that is fascinated with the private lives of other people. Conversation around the water cooler has expanded to emailing and instant messaging. It is easier and faster now to convey a message that is constructive or destructive. True, it can be said that coworkers often spend more time at work than they do with their families. But it is important to avoid the temptation of getting too personal at work. Be friendly with everyone. Be in the middle of a work assignment rather than be in the middle of a negative conversation. Keep in mind the big picture: gossip could be directed toward the company itself and cause misrepresentation with incorrect information, thus leads to work errors and unhappy customers.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 6 minutes

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In this program we'll learn the different forms of gossip and how malicious gossip can affect the workplace. We will learn how to handle gossip at work. People are naturally curious about one another and gossip provides an opportunity for people to bond. Most people gossip as a way of sharing without intent to harm; however, speaking words that diminish the worth of a coworker not present in the conversation is harmful gossip. In fact, slander is used to destroy people's reputations. Malicious gossip is expressed with a deliberate desire to do harm. People spread malicious gossip because they lack power and want to establish an identity. But this type of gossip does not increase self-esteem and does not make one feel more comfortable.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 6 minutes

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In this program we'll learn the natural reactions to death and the importance of seeking help and support. We will learn the benefits of bereavement counseling. Sadness, anger, confusion, and emptiness are all natural reactions to death. Grief is not considered a mental disorder. However, grief and depression share a number of similarities such as sorrow, insomnia, loss of appetite, excessive sleeping, and over-eating. If these feelings or symptoms go on for a very long time, and if you feel you are not coping very well with grief, it may be worth seeking additional support. Bereavement counseling can offer you a better understanding of the mourning process.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 4 minutes

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In this program we'll learn the valuable processes to handle grief and valuable suggestions on how to move on. We will learn how to handle rejection. In the circle of life, death is certain. In the day-to-day life, rejection is possible, if not common. And good coping skills will keep your dignity and confidence in tact. People have said that the grief of death may be easier than grief from divorce because death is not a choice but some chose to divorce. Our animal friends are beloved members of the family., And it is natural to be stricken by grief and sadness when a pet dies. There are those that will never understand the attachment and intense bond between a family and pet - but don't ever let that bother you. They are indeed a member of your family and, with their passing, create a loss and voice that is difficult to recover.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 6 minutes

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In this program we'll learn the top 40 most annoying Habits and how to turn poor habits into good habits. We will learn how to create a workplace free of distractions. For millions of Americans in the workplace, sharing an office with an annoying coworker can be very stressful. In fact, the habits of an annoying coworker are the number one source of stress. Good people could have annoying habits. Of course, what is annoying to one may be endearing to another. But a productive work environment should be free of unnecessary distractions. Support your employees with quiet and consideration.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 5 minutes

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We will learn what comprises harassment in the workplace. We will learn what to do when harassed in the workplace. We will learn how to eliminate harassment in the workplace. Employees have the legal right to perform their job without being subjected to workplace harassment. Sexual harassment occurs whenever unwelcome conduct on the basis of gender affects a person's job. Harassment, whether deliberate or not, is an issue that must be addressed and handled immediately. It can take a serious toll on the victims as well as affect the accused, the coworkers, and the company itself. While we often link sexual harassment to unwanted advances or inaapropriate sexual comments, it also includes any discriminatory action based on gender.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 5 minutes 10 Seconds

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In this program we'll learn how to create a germ-free office and how a manager sets the example. We will learn the importance of a healthy outlook. Create a germ-free office. Did you know the average office desk harbors hundreds of times more bacteria per square inch than an office toilet seat? A dirty workspace could make you and your coworkers sick. Workplace wellness makes good business sense. It increases morale and productivity, lowers health costs, and reduces absenteeism as well as injuries. Workplace wellness supports well-being.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 4 minutes 48 Seconds

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In this program we'll learn the importance of fun and humor in the workplace and he fine line between appropriate humor and rudeness. We will learn the harm of sarcasm among team members. As a manager, I've learned it is helpful to add a level of playfulness to everyday tasks. It's clear that employees who have fun on the job are more creative, make better decisions, and get along with their coworkers. It is very important to minimize boredom and fatigue - and humor and laughter can reduce stress and boost morale. Of course, humor in the workplace must be appropriate. For example, sarcasm and teasing tends to be negative, often coming from a place of hostility, and is usually hurtful to the recipient. These wounds are etched in the memory like a painting. We must be mindful of the images we create and the thoughts that linger.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 4 minutes

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In this program we'll learn how to advertise for candidates and how to prepare for an interview. We will learn how to conduct an interview. From job description to job fulfillment, the process of interviewing job candidates and hiring the right one is quite a responsibility and takes practice and skill. There are six components to the hiring process: job description, job advertisement, applicant selection, job interview preparation, job interview techniques, and job hiring or rejection.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 5 minutes

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We will learn what creates jealousy in the workplace. We will learn how jealousy affects the workplace. We will learn the steps to eliminate jealousy in the workplace. The workplace does not contain cookie cutter workers. The workplace has talented employees with personalities. Some are quiet and perform their duties with precision and excellence every day. Others appear to be more visible and garner recognition for their charisma and contributions. And then there are those whose insecurity leads them to wander the halls in a state of envy jealousy. Jealousy is angry agitated worry. It is human behavior we experience from time to time - but it can become problematic if we act out in a fit of jealousy or worse, wallow endlessly in bitterness and resentment.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 4 minutes 40 Seconds

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We will learn if common sense can be learned. We will learn the many pet peeves people have on unaware behavior. We will learn the components and benefits of critical thinking. Examined is how critical thinking, common sense, and common courtesy affected your development as a child, how it shapes your views on tolerance, diversity, and stereotypes, how it affects your relationships, daily travels, and your workplace, and how it impacts your physical and mental health.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 10 minutes

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We will learn the basic rules of the track. We will learn the importance of interesting people. We will lern how to contribute to peace. Metaphorically, life is like a journey on a train. Our parents and guardians taught us the rules of the tracks. Choices abound as we pass the many stops. The longer the ride, the more the memories. They will bring comfort when the ride is slow. And remember, many things are up to you. If you see the journey as hopeless, it will be. If you see the journey as hopeful, it will be.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 3 minutes

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We will learn to look at ourselves objectively. We will learn to challenge ourselves to move beyond our default poin-of-view. We will learn that the first step toward success is always inward. Ninety per cent of the population complain about their life - but do they take responsibility for why their life is the way it is? Do you make things happen, or do things just happen to you? It is common to avoid responsibility, avoid problem-solving, or avoid looking at ourselves in a truthful way. It is all right not to know all the answers - that's what experience is fo. But taking problems head-on will make you more liberated and aware.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 4 minutes

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We will learn the leader will create a brief, organized agenda. We will learn the leader will facilitate the discussion and encourage everyone to constructively particpate. We will learn how the leader converts decisions into answers and plans. Meetings reflect the openness, dynamics, and self-image of the organization. It is where collective ideas transform into great projects. It is imperative that every employee knows the components of a successful meeting. If you try these suggestions, your next meeting may well be even more powerful and productive.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 4 minutes

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We will learn how to create an effective Agenda. We will learn how to create effective Minutes. We will learn how brevity and organization creates successful meetings. Creating an agenda and keeping a meeting short and to the point has never been easier. The Agenda template in this project has been specially designed to ensure brevity and organization. The informal minutes capture the essence of the meeting and are meant to provide an outline and brief summary of what was discussed, what decisions were made, and who is responsible for taking action. Templates included.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 5 minutes

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We will learn why meetings are often counterproductive. We will learn if you should have a meeting and when. We will learn the components of a successful meeting. In the U.S. alone, 11 million formal business meetings occur every day and waste $37 billioin in unnecessary meetings each year. Managers attend more than 60 meetings per month - and 37% of employee time is spent in meetings. The suggestions in this film should reduce unnecessary meetings, boost morale and productivity, and create meaningful and motivated meetings.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 4 minutes

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We will learn if common sense can be learned. We will learn the many pet peeves people have on unaware behavior. We will learn the components and benefits of critical thinking. Examined is how critical thinking, common sense, and common courtesy affected your development as a child, how it shapes your views on tolerance, diversity, and stereotypes, how it affects your relationships, daily travels, and your workplace, and how it impacts your physical and mental health.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 8 minutes

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We will learn the substantial training of those in the service. We will learn the resources available to veterans. We will learn the importance of mentoring a veteran. The military is known as the nation's biggest group of international ambassadors. Brave, dedicated, and well-trained, they serve our nation well: natural disaster relief, food and humanitarian relief, rescue operations, and medical assistance in impoverished areas. Once their service is complete, they return home eager to use their skills in the private sector. However, sometimes they need help adjusting to the civilian workplace culture. Thus the importance of corporate mentoring.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 6 minutes

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We will learn why we fear making a mistake. We will learn the benefit of making a mistake. We will learn techniques to handle mistakes. As children, we were taught to distinguish right from wrong and to get the answer right. To be right was so important that, when wrong, our first reactions were to deny it, get defensive, blame others, or internalize it. As adults, it is no wonder why so many people fear making mistakes - even to the point of viewing failure as permanent and success as temporary. Now is the time to etch this phrase into our minds "trial and error learning."

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 4 minutes

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In this program we'll learn the benefits of fun and humor in the workplace and the liability of inappropriate humor. We will learn how to tell a joke. We need humor to get through the day. Laughter can act as a coping mechanism to reduce stress. Laughter increases endorphins, increases disease fighting antibodies, increases your intellectual performance, boosts information retention, strengthens your immune system, and lowers blood pressure. Laughing can bring people together and strengthen relationships. But what is funny to one person may be offensive to another. Considering that teamwork is based on building people up, not tearing them down, no one wants their appearance or opinions to be mocked. Humor should be a useful tool, not a weapon.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 5 minutes

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In this program we'll learn the importance of transformational learning and the benefits of a transformative culture. We will learn how to create a culture of learning at work. Learning is a natural process. Transformational learning is the expansion of one's beliefs and mindsets. It challenges how we see and do things. The problem with the status quo is that it avoids examination and may hamper growth. We all need to continuously learn and improve and adapt. Organizations with a transformative culture stay relevant and thrive. Employees learn about their job positions, job skills, rules and regulations, and policies and procedures. They are elevated and motivated as a worker which, in turn, impacts retention, productivity, and customer relations.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 2 minutes 50 Seconds

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In this program we'll learn how to organize our desktop and how to create an effective filing system. We will learn how to remove clutter from our workspace. In every moment, you can savor time or squander time. Did you know the average executive wastes six weeks a year searching for paper? It is essential to organize your workspace as well as your thoughts. Put everything in its place and think positive. Starting with your desk, only keep things you constantly need. Work needs space and most of the clutter on your desk is probably paper - and a cluttered desk could affect your energy as well as your time. Your desk is for doing work, not storing work.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 7 minutes

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In this program we'll learn the basics of good leadership and the basics of a good orientation. We will learn how to create an effective work schedule. A good leader is sensitive to the needs of their staff. They know employees perform at their best when they are happy, knowledgeable, and motivated. They treat their employees with respect and as a valued member of the team. They know good relationships are based on trust and honesty. Most important, a good manager sets the example of appropriate behavior and commitment to excellence. Good managers are made, not born. Learn from their experience.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 5 minutes

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In this program we'll learn the three important components of business and learn about skills, behavior and relationships. We will learn how to be an exemplary employee. Whether on-line or in-store, selling a product or performing a service, companies that put their employees first are usually the most successful in reaching their long term goals. Most successful businesses thrive on good management and employee relations. Managers deserve your respect and a good day's work. The employee deserves to be treated as a valuable team member. The world of business takes a lifetime of education. No matter how much you learned in school, a textbook will never be able to teach you as well as actually going out and doing it for yourself.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 6 minutes

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In this program we'll learn how to overcome procrastination and how to create a productive daily routine. We will learn ten tips to keep you on track. Let's re-think the term Time Management. We cannot manage time but we can manage ourselves in a timely manner. The secret to productivity is to avoid procrastination. Cause of procrastination include waiting for the right mood, a fear of failure, a fear of success, undeveloped decision making skills, poor organizational skills, and perfectionism. The only difference between being busy and being productive is results. Changing the way you look at things changes everything else around you. Ensure you are properly trained to perform all of your duties. So how do we overcome procrastination?

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 6 minutes

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In this program we'll learn the symptoms of PTSD and how PTSD is diagnosed. We will learn the recovery process of PTSD. Disturbing dreams, difficulty sleeping, fatigue, mental or physical distress, and feeling emotionally numb are some of the symptoms people experience when they have lived through a traumatic event such as combat, terrorist attacks, child sexual or physical assault, harassment, serious accidents, or natural disasters. After the event, a person may feel scared, confused, or angry; such as in combat, a veteran could have experienced or witnessed an event that made them fear for their life and feel helpless, perhaps even feel survivor's guilt. These strong emotions caused by the horrific event create changes in the brain that may result in PTSD. If not addressed, it will affects one's life in painful ways.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 6 minutes

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We will learn if a great worker is born or made. We will learn the qualities of a great manager. We will learn the qualities of a great employee. Good employees are important in any business. When looking to add staff to your workplace, though knowledge is an asset, it can be taught. Pay closer attention to character, personality, and attitude. What is essential for an employee to achieve greatness is to have a great sense of personal secuity, an innate confidence that exudes passion.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 3 minutes

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In this program we'll explore the origins of your mindset and belief systems and observe how thoughts and beliefs can limit opportunities. We'll learn how thoughts and beliefs can expand opportunities. One narrator describes what qualities comprise the human structure while another narrator describes the structure for a successful business, thus we learn the many qualities that create a great employee and a successful organization. An ambitious employee knows that learning business skills leads to economic prosperity. A practical employee accepts every opportunity to demonstrate their talent and worth. A sensitive employee is respectful of people's privacy, ethnic origin, belongings, belief systems and mindsets.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 28 minutes

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We will learn that most accidents are preventable. We will learn the rules for lifting and climbing. We will learn the rules to prevent slips and falls. Safety is no accident and affects everyone in every industry. The good news is that accidents are preventable with proper training and safety products. A company's primary objective is to ensure the safety and health of their employees.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 4 minutes

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We will learn safety precautions for a warehouse or industrial setting. We will learn safety tips when using tools and machinery. We will learn useful tips when working with hazardous materials. Every workplace has hazards that could endanger workers. It is important to understand the unique risks in your company so you can develop an effective safety program that minimizes illness and injuries. Examined are safety precautions for a warehouse or industrial setting. Educate everyone in the workplace about safety requirements, materials, and procedures; and, of course, always keep the lines of communication open.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 4 minutes

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In this program we'll learn safety questions to ask yourself when going to work and the hidden dangers in the workplace. We will learn the importance of being aware of your surroundings. Much like the traffic on your way to work, there are hidden dangers in the office that can have a great impact. For the safety of yourself and others, it is important to be aware of your surroundings. The office building is not a sterile working environment. Common workplace hazards can be extra dangerous when you ignore them. If you do not have a safety program, start one. If you do have a safety program, enforce it. Awareness is a choice. Choose to be safe.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 5 minutes

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In this program we'll learn that most accidents are preventable and the safety tips to adhere to when using tools and machinery. We'll learn the rules to prevent slips and falls. Safety is no accident and affects everyone in every industry. The good news is that accidents are preventable with proper training and safety products. A company's primary objective is to ensure the safety and health of their employees and every workplace has hazards that endanger workers. It's important to understand the unique risks in your company so you can develop an effective safety program that minimizes illness and injuries.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 13 minutes

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We will learn the qualities of people who are easily offended and how to learn to stop being offended. This program will teach you how to handle a situation you might find offensive. Do you burst into fits of anger over the little things? Do you often take things the wrong way? Do people feel they have to be cautious around you? If so, you may be easily offended and your hypersensitivity may be depriving you of healthy relationships and inner happiness. However there are many ways to thicken your skin and spare hurt feelings.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 4 minutes

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We will learn how to change a business-as-usual mindset. We will learn the qualities of a strategic thinker. We will learn how to create a strategy plan. We all wish for businesses to be healthy and sustainable - and companies are under constant pressure to grow. Well, each day business owners can spend their time maintaining the systems - or, in addition, they can use Strategic Thinking which is business analysis, strategizing, and planning. Planning the future of your company in an organized manner is essential to its expansion and increased revenue. Unfortunately, many owners and managers get caught up in the spinning wheel of everyday operation.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 4 minutes 8 Seconds

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In this program we'll learn the components of great leadership and how to build great teams. We will learn the importance of a self-starter mindset. Information Technology is the use of any computers, storage, networking and other physical devices, infrastructure and processes to create, process, store, secure, and exchange all forms of electronic data. Talented IT workers may specialize in software development, application management, or hardware components. But it is the IT Leader that must bring all of the workers together; and the IT Leaders must have knowledge and experience to become a well-rounded professional. Successful management is the key to success of any organization and the IT Leader must be a visionary, a project manager, and a specialist in operational excellence. Each day, they must balance their technical skills with management skills.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 6 minutes 49 Seconds

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We will learn if common sense can be learned. We will learn the many pet peeves people have on unaware behavior. We will learn the components and benefits of critical thinking. Examined is how critical thinking, common sense, and common courtesy affected your development as a child, how it shapes your views on tolerance, diversity, and stereotypes, how it affects your relationships, daily travels, and your workplace, and how it impacts your physical and mental health.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 3 minutes

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We will learn why we tell lies. We will learn statistics about deception. We will learn the cues and clues to spot if someone is being dishonest. Deception is defined as the intentional withholding of information or diliberately misleading information to a participant. We lie. Often for good reason - but we lie. Children can deceive as early as 6 months using fake laughter or pretend crying just to get attention. To maintain healthy relationships, it is a good idea to learn the clues when someone may not be telling the truth. Please keep in mind these are clues and, in and of themselves, may not prove guilt.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 4 minutes

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We will learn how lying adversely affects the workplace. We will learn how liars distort information. We will learn the cues and clues to spot an employee being dishonest. Deception. Businesses lose about 5% of its revenue due to fraud each year which is 3.5 trillion worldwide. From fraud and theft to leaks and embezzlement, deception ruins innovationb, damages teams, and destroys reputations. Manipulation, disinformation, and histrionics have no place in the workplace. Train yourself to spot deception. Create an honest culture - and it starts with you.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 4 minutes

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Learn why apathy exists in the workplace. We'll learn how to deal with apathy in the workplace and how employees can overcome apathy. We all have the right not to know or not to care - but there is a price for being uninformed and disengaged. Accidents often occur when people don't care, simply go through the motions or are detached, unfocused and have a defeatist attitude. Apathetic coworkers want to hide under the radar. Fortunately, there are ways a company can deal with apathy in the workplace.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 6 minutes

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We will learn the reasons employees seek revenge. We will learn the dangers of revenge. We will learn how to handle thoughts of revenge. When we are hurt, it's a natural response to return the hurt. And our reasons may be logical but none justify retaliation. When plotting to hurt another, we are consumed with immature beliefs and reactions instead of sound judgment. Revenge is a primal need for self-defense. The goal of revenge is to rid one of shame and humliation, and restore power and pride. You want satisfaction and justice in the present. You want reassurance it won't happen again in the future. But seeking revenge does not provide a cure, rather it perpetuates the cycle of pain. The minor satisfaction you may experience in the short run will have long-term repercussions.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 4 minutes

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No matter what vehicle it uses, negativity is damaging to the workplace. It may be found in gossip, attitude and general communication. Negativity can lead to distrust within a team and a decrease in employee engagement. It saps energy and diverts attention from productivity and performance. We'll learn why an employee may act in a negative manner and how to recognize common behavior issues. It teaches how to create a positive attitude and how leaders need to be proactive in maintaining a culture of positivity.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 3 minutes 17 Seconds

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We will learn if common sense can be learned. We will learn the many pet peeves people have on unaware behavior. We will learn the components and benefits of critical thinking. Examined is how critical thinking, common sense, and common courtesy affected your development as a child, how it shapes your views on tolerance, diversity, and stereotypes, how it affects your relationships, daily travels, and your workplace, and how it impacts your physical and mental health.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 14 minutes

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In this program we'll learn how worrying affects our emotions and how to shift a worry to a concern. We will learn a unique perspective about control. Worry is a conditioned way of thinking. Worrying is when you think about negative things that may or may not happen in the future. It consumes precious energy and is the easiest way to ensure unhappiness in the present moment. So why do we allow this feeling of anxiety to overwhelm us? Fear of the unknown. Fear the worst will happen. There are sensible concerns and senseless worries. Sensible concerns help you to be alert and informed. Senseless worrying causes you to feel anxious. Find out what people worry about the most.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 4 minutes

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In this program we'll learn how to handle what others think of us and the process to remove worrying from your life. We will learn what we can control in our lives. Everyone has opinions and, what's true, the opinions are theirs. And what people think of you is none of your business. How not to care about what people think? The answer is in the question: "Are you going to allow others to make your life less enjoyable?" Plus, people are generally too busy thinking about themselves to worry about you.

DVD / 2019 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 7 minutes

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